Having a store front

I mean, we can all agree that this is silly. Look, if you want me to call you him/her/they I'll respect you enough to do it. I don't care. However, unless I'm intentionally disrespecting you people should get over themselves. Even if I am disrespecting you, the school have discplinary measures to correct behavior. Suing people is kind of a punk move, in this case.

So, I'm all for medically assisted suicide in terminal cases (with appropriate safeguards, like a required psychiatric evaluation and a hospice and/or specialist signing off they are terminal.) Again, c'mon.

I still blame a lot of this stuff on news networks and people just ingesting information that basically makes them the product. I fully believe that climate change (not seasons) is happening and it's, in part, influenced by industry. I think we do some bad shit in the name of capitalism. However, grow tf up.