HC.gov is DOWN - Provide Updates Here

I'm relatively certain the answer to this is "no", but does anyone know of a status page where we can see actual up/down status of HC.gov and the carrier/WBE connection part of HC.gov?

WOuld be nice if there were some transparency to status...

Yeah. It's insurance-forums.net. I think we are the status page.
I'm relatively certain the answer to this is "no", but does anyone know of a status page where we can see actual up/down status of HC.gov and the carrier/WBE connection part of HC.gov?

WOuld be nice if there were some transparency to status...

You have to keep in mind that the system was designed under the premise that we're too stupid to understand a what a status page says.

BTW..it's 3:40pm CST. Still can't log in. Looks like a creeping paralysis is occurring at hc.gov.
HealthCare.gov Gets Steady Traffic; Hits Bump - ABC News

HealthCare.gov got steady consumer interest and also hit a bump Monday, the first weekday of the new sign-up season under the president's health overhaul.

Consumers trying to open their existing accounts on the website got this message off and on during the afternoon: "HealthCare.gov has a lot of visitors right now! We need you to wait here, so we can make sure there's enough room for you to have a good experience on our site."

At other times, this message was displayed: "We're busy making HealthCare.gov even better! Sorry you can't get what you need right now. Please come back and visit again later."
I have it on good authority these issues will be largely resolved by Dec 1st.

Gone Fishin!.......................:1cool: