HCO-BA-NAPA-should We Look at Any Others??


Passed the exam
We have spoken with Health Choice One, Brokers Alliance and NAPA for E&O.

We are need some hand holding and training to begin.

Is there anyone else we should exam or do you feel we have most of our bases covered with HCO and BA?
Passed the exam
We have spoken with Health Choice One, Brokers Alliance and NAPA for E&O.

We are need some hand holding and training to begin.

Is there anyone else we should exam or do you feel we have most of our bases covered with HCO and BA?

I don't understand. ARe you trying to buy E&O? If so, there are many brokers who specialize in that. Some even eliminate the commission from the price so that you pay less.

I don't understand. ARe you trying to buy E&O? If so, there are many brokers who specialize in that. Some even eliminate the commission from the price so that you pay less.


No sir, we are getting set up and for E&O we spoke to Napa-wasn't sure if we should check with anyone else.

We are moving forward for BA but the service at HCO has been terrible. Trying to sign up with them and we can't get a call back and were disconnected with them twice. Thinking we need to fond someone else.:no: