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How Do You Feel About Hiring a Coach?

If I were to hire a coach, the first thing I'd look for is the quality of free email newsletters/blog posts of the kind of work they do with their coaching clients.

Then I look at all their information products they have available and see how that would take me to the next level. (One would think that their products would help a bit in this area.)

After that, THEN I would consider hiring them as a coach... and they'd like it that you were a decent enough customer, so their job should be easier.

Three coaches you may want to consider:

Dr. Kerry Johnson | Author - Keynote Speaker - Business Coach

I don't remember Dr. Johnson's rates, but he is frequently published in various trade magazines.


Cost: $197/month; no minimum time commitment.

Note that their mentoring program requires that you buy one of their training systems first... and the training system itself includes 3 months of coaching.

Sales Training for Financial Advisors and Attorneys, Coaching for Coaches

I've gotten A LOT out of Sandy's articles, publications, and audios. I have no idea what his rates are, but his stuff is great!
I had no clue that coaches for insurance agencies really exist. I surely remember my days as captive with assXxhh district managers. Surely the 'coaches' are different.

So, after selling my current book and if I get bored, I could ask and potentially earn $197 / month from someone just teaching them my 'experience'? Maybe I would take less for cash. :err:
What does a coach actually do for their client? I understand the goals, but not the methodologies.

The service I provide for my clients varies on their individual needs. We are a "Whole life business coach". We have a process that everyone of our clients goes through to find out exactly what they value and need most. Some of my clients have AUM goals while some have new client goals. We can help them with every part of increasing any numbers they choose. Whether it be marketing strategies, seminar ideas/prep, personnel issues, personal issues, client management, social media marketing/presence. Or all of the above. The biggest thing we provide is direction and accountability. Let me put it this way, most of us have someone rooting for us and cheering us on. These are our cheerleaders. Like if you told your friends you wanted to get out of debt they might say, "hey, that's great!" But would any of them help you stick to it by checking up on you or helping you with the different systems to eliminate your debt. Probably not. A coach helps you discover what you truly want, helps you formulate a plan to get it, and then pushes you to do it. Costs very but beware of "cookie cutter" coaches. You are not going to be Donald Trump, Henry Ford, or Napoleon Hill. If a coach is getting to know the real you, how can he/she help you become the best you, YOU can be?


You could stand a little coaching yourself...on using paragraphs!

Thanks for the advice, using the iPhone to type can be a bit of a challenge. Glad to see the grammar police are still patrolling the forums. :)


I had no clue that coaches for insurance agencies really exist. I surely remember my days as captive with assXxhh district managers. Surely the 'coaches' are different. So, after selling my current book and if I get bored, I could ask and potentially earn $197 / month from someone just teaching them my 'experience'? Maybe I would take less for cash. :err:

First, I have a few insurance agent clients but mostly financial advisors. One of my clients works for MassMutual and made blue chip for the first time this year. She is very excited. As for you being a coach, yes it is quite possible if you chose to pursue it. There is quite a bit of training involved to coach "correctly" but I think you would find it quite rewarding both financially and personally. Most of my client completed their 2013 goals by mid June. Clients are willing to pay top dollar for a coach that helps them to make top dollar. We have a few programs but my lowest price point is 299.00 down 299.00 per month. Our top level is our inner circle coaching at 5000.00 per quarter. These are our clients that are looking to be a million dollar producer or already are and are looking to acquire other practices and need help with direction and someone to help keep them on track. There are many programs out there if you want to become a coach. To become a great coach you have to allow your client become the best THEY can be not try and make them into something they are not.
Thanks for the advice, using the iPhone to type can be a bit of a challenge. Glad to see the grammar police are still patrolling the forums. :)

It's rather disingenuous that you start a thread asking about coaching then reply with a post about how your business handles coaching.

Also, it is a good thing the grammar police are patrolling. I generally skip any overbearingly long paragraphs, as my brain interprets them as rambling. Add to that the idea that I don't want to do business with someone who has trouble articulating their thoughts, as communication is one of the most important aspects of any sort of trade. That leaves you with a few posts that I see as spam.

If I see it that way, you can bet your bottom I'm not the only one.

EDIT: A good coach is hard to find. I'm a fan of coaches overall, when you can find a worthy one. The best ones have coaches of their own to continually make them better.
You may find it disingenuous, but I started this thread to truly find out what agents on this forum thought of hiring a coach. I have only responded to other peoples questions or statements if I felt I could add to the discussion.
If you feel that I am advertising my services then that is your opinion and are welcome to it. I provide my clients with market research events that provide them with direct feedback from not only their clients but that of local prominent members of their community that are not currently doing business with them. This has proven quite valuable so I wanted to get some opinions from people here.
As for my comment about grammar police I was trying to add a little humor but I can see it was not taken that way. My apologies if it offended you or hurt your feelings. That was not my intention.
Lastly, an earlier comment spoke about coaching prices and even though my prices are above those I shared them so the group could see a different price point. And the fact that I shared this with someone that (maybe jokingly) inquired about becoming a coach try looking again through the thread and if you still believe I only post as part of a hidden agenda I invite you to ignore any of my further posts or inquiries.
You may find it disingenuous, but I started this thread to truly find out what agents on this forum thought of hiring a coach. I have only responded to other peoples questions or statements if I felt I could add to the discussion.
If you feel that I am advertising my services then that is your opinion and are welcome to it. I provide my clients with market research events that provide them with direct feedback from not only their clients but that of local prominent members of their community that are not currently doing business with them. This has proven quite valuable so I wanted to get some opinions from people here.
As for my comment about grammar police I was trying to add a little humor but I can see it was not taken that way. My apologies if it offended you or hurt your feelings. That was not my intention.
Lastly, an earlier comment spoke about coaching prices and even though my prices are above those I shared them so the group could see a different price point. And the fact that I shared this with someone that (maybe jokingly) inquired about becoming a coach try looking again through the thread and if you still believe I only post as part of a hidden agenda I invite you to ignore any of my further posts or inquiries.

Does it matter to you how people view your posts? After all, if we're your target clientele, shouldn't you be taking cues from us?

Can you understand how I would see it as disingenuous? Instead of saying "Hey, I'm a coach and I want your input" you asked using phrasing as if you were an agent looking for advice on coaches. Can you understand that?
Does it matter to you how people view your posts? After all, if we're your target clientele, shouldn't you be taking cues from us? Can you understand how I would see it as disingenuous? Instead of saying "Hey, I'm a coach and I want your input" you asked using phrasing as if you were an agent looking for advice on coaches. Can you understand that?

Please go back to the beginning of the thread and re-read my opening message. This is exactly what I said. I immediately disclosed that I am a coach looking for feedback so please do your due diligence before casting judgement and trying to discredit someone's intentions.
Please go back to the beginning of the thread and re-read my opening message. This is exactly what I said. I immediately disclosed that I am a coach looking for feedback so please do your due diligence before casting judgement and trying to discredit someone's intentions.

I'm sorry, I overlooked that.

More on the importance of paragraphs.
Here is why I see coaching programs being a need for the industry...

Captive agents are more likely to be successful starting out than independent agents due to the fact they are held to quotas and standards. If you have a bad week or month as a captive agent, you have a manager to review and help you get back on track. An independent agent does not have that, and most people are not hard enough on themselves to get over the sales slump.

So, if an independent agent had someone to push them along and help guide them, without the potential of micro management from a captive organization, the agent in theory could have a lot more success.

Yes, I know these are generalizations, but in what I have seen they hold true.

Full disclosure, SIMA is working on such a program (not promoting it in this post as it is still being designed). I am excited about it as when I first started in insurance I was independent and did not really achieve my success benchmark until I went captive for 2 years, then went independent again and used the skills I learned to maintain the success.