How Many in 30 Days?

Remember, for those late referrals, clients who are too busy on Hawaiian vacations to respond, etc., their 12/31/14 termination is a qualifying event that generates a 60-day SEP with coverage effective retro to 1/1/15.

Of course, we should reach out in advance and place them all by 12/15 so they can actually use their coverage 1/1 if needed, but for those who can't, at least we can replace it and avoid a lapse.

I'd love to just get that stuff done now, if they would only release the individual rates...

According to my Assurant RSD they will be released on on Sunday, Nov 9th...
I did not write aca last year but will attempt this year.
Do you have to "create an account" for each customer? I was told that we cannot assist in this. Do they have to have an email?
I did not write aca last year but will attempt this year.
Do you have to "create an account" for each customer? I was told that we cannot assist in this. Do they have to have an email?


And go look at Sherpa and ACAexpress threads. You're a little behind and using a WBE is probably a better fit for you this year.

And go look at Sherpa and ACAexpress threads. You're a little behind and using a WBE is probably a better fit for you this year.

This is confusing me.

I have been told by my agency that in appointments I need to be helping my prospects with Healthcare (dot) gov. So, if I can't help the prospect input the information into the website, what's the point of face to face appointments? Why not just do it all over the phone, suggest the prospect which plan they should take, then give them my national producer number?

I'm so damn confused about absolutely everything regarding this open enrollment period that I don't know what is up and what is down.

Another question: when re-writing clients whose policies will end on dec 31st (I'm assuming ALL policies that ANYONE owns that was written during last OEP will end on the 31st of Dec?), do they pay their first premium at the time they sign up? Or do they pay in january?

Does the new insurance take effect in december, or in January of 2015?

So, since I'll be re-writing the insurance, when healthcare dot gov asks if the client currently has insurance, the answer is "yes", correct? So, basically the new coverage will be replacing the old coverage? Or will the website understand that we are simply going from the old one to the new one once 2015 arrives?

God, I know absolutely nothing.
I think if we drink a lot it might come together for us lol.
I was a spectator last year because it was such a cluster and i see it being the same this year.
I went to health sherpa and there is no way i'm going to pay someones website to make an application a little easier, that is just stupid, you pay weather the customer takes the plan or not, you could be out a lot of money before you even get paid.
Boy, so much going through my head, I'll try to be cordial.

You can't do volume if doing face to face. I've already told 10 of my clients that I can't meet with them because of the chaos coming up. is the best thing since sliced bread for anyone writing ACA.

Medicare AGent - If you need to do 10-15 apps a day like myself, the Sherpa's/AcaExpress' of the world is the only way to accomplish that number. My business sticks, so i'm not worried about "losing" money. I'm looking at the 11 months of profit. Now, if I'm doing only 3 apps a day, then all the way, and I'll actually shower and shave and maybe meet with the client.

Lifeworth - we spoke over a year ago, and you still don't get ACA, because I'm guessing your weren't committed to this business for the past year, or this forum, or being a master of ACA. You say you have a GA agency that you work under, consider asking them these questions since they are making money off you.....we are not. I offered to train you for a fee, and you never called back. Your other option is to take a few days, and read every thread created on this forum for the past year. I've spent the time, if you're not willing to invest money in yourself, then maybe you should invest the time instead.

It's game time, and we're already suited up and on the field, and you're still trying to find the field.
Lifeworth, I appreciate that you said, "I know nothing", and I understand the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Take the hint about It's an agent's best friend to avoid face-to-face meetings. Also, the hint about ACAExpress and Health Sherpa are great, especially if you plan to do a volume of business. If you do lower volume, is fine, or use the carrier-direct method.

You should be worried about knowing subsidies, plan designs, and clients' needs at this point. If you don't have a base of knowledge about subsidies, ACA basic concepts, and which carriers are playing, then it's time to sit on the bench for this season. We're already suited up and waiting for somebody to sing the national anthem.