How Much Do You Pay for Your Website?


New Member
Just wondering what all of you pay for your standard agency / agent websites? I've been researching this and I find the prices that are charged for standard "brochure" sites seem wondering what you all are paying?

There is making the website and there is hosting the website.

The ones that dont charge much for the website, over charge for the hosting.
If all you want is hosting, there are a zillion companies you can choose from and you will pay anywhere from $7 to $15 a month depending on how many email boxes you get, how many databases you can have and how much bandwidth is allotted to you.

Unless you are getting a zillion hits, most insurance agents can get by with the lower level of cost.

If you are going to buy a web site by renting a web designer to create one for you, be prepared to pay anywhere from $300 on up.

My suggestion is to spend a day learning about WordPress and picking a theme and then using that to create your OWN web content (once you have picked someone to host it.)

As for registration, lots of people use GoDaddy. I use which are more expensive but have great service. I also have my domains on (PairNetworks) for the past 8 years.

Many here know that I spent about 30 years as an IT geek and so I sort of know what I sort of know about Internet technology. That's why I'm with Pair. They are a quality server farm. Yes, more expensive than others, but a BMW is more expensive than a Chevy for some very good reasons.


I can be found here.
Microsoft Office 365 offers a small business account for $6/mo per user that includes web-based email, office web apps, an external website, and other features. It is very user friendly, you choose a theme and create your own website. If you are willing to do the work yourself this is a great option. Whichever way you decide to go, be sure to work with your carrier's compliance department concerning site approval. Hope this is helpful.
if your goal is traffic whup out your wallet and pay the bucks

if your goal is nothing but a little cheeze mickey mouse website that rarely ranks but makes you feel good wasting your time writing a few blog post then do the above....
You should be able to get a good web designer for about 50$ an hour, plus about 5 bucks a month for hosting.

If the hosting is over 10 dollars a month, something is likely wrong.

As far as domain registration, I get commission from like 4 places for domain registration, but the one I still recommend even though they don't pay me is does private registration of .com for about 10 bucks, great service, never had any issues with them even though they're canadians.

Godaddy if you compare, a private registration costs around 25 bucks for a domain name plus privacy addition.
The domain and the website are just the beginning. What you do after that is what counts. It's hard work but if you read, listen, learn, work harder than your competitor and ignore so called "experts" that aren't really "experts," will do well.

But it does not happen overnight.
I haven't paid anyone to do a website yet, but I'm probably going to hire someone this week or next.