How Much Do You Pay for Your Website?

lol come on dude is jokin

I am not joking. I hired a website design firm. The site was done on Ruby on Rails. Initial quote was for $9000. Unfortunately, I went over budget and was billed an additional $4500. Bottom line is I have been told by consumers as well as by insurance advisers that my site looks better than every other long term care insurance website I am competing with. All 4 of my applications this week mentioned to me on an unsolicited basis that I had an very impressive and informative website. So, the website is helping me to attract business. In a commoditized insurance world your website has to be a little better than your competitors or you will lose consumers to other channels of distribution. Everything matters. Fonts, colors, layout. The pictures you select. With LTC Insurance, my market is 50-70 year olds, so the design really matters for this target market.

When is the last time you had a client inform you on an unsolicited basis that your website is impressive? It never happened to me either, until I built this site.

So, who is joking?
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Yes DUDE really.

And it has made me 18000 in the past 5 days.

So, did i really overpay?

All that really matters is that it is generating a return on your investment. It sounds like you may have been able to save some money, but in the end, it has already made a profit, with more to come. I used these guys below and have been very happy with their services.

Local SEO Website Experts Billings Montana
Jon Engleking