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How Much Would You Pay For Newsletter Writing Service

The Insurance Pro Shop charges $59.95 per month for their customized newsletters. 1 page, front and back. Very generic financial information along with a "call to action" to request a booklet on a financial concept.

I already quoted these guys - who have been and are insurance producers and trainers. $59.95 is more than the $20 you listed and I'd rather have a producer write my copywrite... just like markingriffin is offering.

Don't forget, all either of them have to do is write 1 or 2 newsletters per month... and then individually brand them for each agent. It's not like they're writing a separate newsletter for each individual agent.

I still won't give up 100% of my future profits for purchasing a business tool.

Next question, what % of your existing clients have email?

If you were going to pay for this kind of service, would you want email, snail mail, or both?

I do my email with Constant Contact, but they could put the text on anything.
I think to come up with the fair rate for it you would take the base cost of free, then multiply that times the commissions generated annually to your company, the inflation anticipated of the dollar over the next 10 years, the number of people they plan to send it to, the median income of their zip codes they work, the number of agents that are under them, the phase of the moon on the day of the week they subscribe during the month, their astrological sign, and that could be the price.

0 * x * y * z * a * b * c = price
Good thinking, Mark. Before 2014, we may certainly need multiple streams of income! We should all be thinking of ways to use our expertise and make money outside of just commission.