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How to approach agencies about employment

chris kim

New Member
Hello all,

I am switching from digital marketing to insurance and would like to know how to approach companies about future employment.

I recently moved from Boston to a largely rural part of New Mexico. As such there are only a limited number of brokers and agencies in town and I don’t want to make a wrong move.

So do I walk in? Call? Email? Any advice about initial contact would be greatly appreciated.

In Boston I’d just try all three and see what sticks but with so few available opportunities I’d like to nail the initial approach as much as possible.
Dress sharp, have your resume, and just walk in to ask to speak to a hiring manager about working with their company/agency. Your goal is to shake hands and set up a later time to talk in further detail about being an agent. Of course, be prepared to get an interview on the spot too. Make sure you have your own questions to ask.

If they don't like you dropping by 'unannounced' - they just disqualified themselves for you as a potential employer. Insurance is most often sold, not bought - and it takes interrupting others in a courteous way to see if there is a fit and a problem that can be solved. That means that the agency should like seeing that in their applicants. If not, let them go.
Thank you DHK for the reply. Even in digital marketing I got my favorite clients by just walking in and talking to whoever would engage in a conversation, so I’m glad that you think this is the best approach. Since I don’t really know the culture of the industry I just wanted to avoid making a faux pas.

Thanks again.
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Thank you DHK for the reply. Even in digital marketing I got my favorite clients by just walking in and talking to whoever would engage in a conversation, so I’m glad that you think this is the best approach. Since I don’t really know the culture of the industry I just wanted to avoid making a faux pas.

Thanks again.
With that attitude and conditioning, you're over 80% on the way to the job you want, and well over 50% on your way to a successful career. The rest comes from your interview and how well the agency trains you.
Great points here by DHK and VolAgent, You're already well on your way and have some great insight.

I noticed that no one asked, you probably already have it but I wanted to start my advice from getting licensed onward.

The starting place is prepping for the exam and setting up a deadline date to take the test. If you set the date, that should help keep yourself accountable and motivated to study (if you end up being a self-studier like me). Each state is a bit different so you'll have to look up those requirements in your area.

Now on to your question, since you do only have a few opportunities, definitely dress sharp, I would try to keep your resume 1 - page and concise to the place you are going to, maybe a cover-letter. Aside from simply being a go-getter by walking in, highlight any achievements that shows can do and go-getter attitude.

You'll want to focus on showing you have these following skills honed:

  • Rapport-Building
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Communication skills (both verbally and non-verbally)
  • High Enthusiasm and Positive Mental Attitude
  • The Ability To Handle Objection Well
I believe the best approach is going to be walking in since the opportunities are low in your area and it sounds like you want to work with someone local.

If you end up having to use email and/or phone, for further reading I'm dropping a link for an article that ILIAA got done using some tips on doing just that: How to Become an Insurance Agent in 2017 | ILIAA
Rural NM....Been there. Very Completive....limited Population....limited and small WP...tough. Local agents will be scared of you. you might need to look towards starting your own thing.