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How to Mail to My List

yea.....because they suck and people end up throwing the cards away.....

I'm guessing you haven't had a good experience with direct mail postcards... and yes, there are a lot of factors that can make a postcard campaign "suck". However, if done right, direct mail is very effective.

We have hundreds of insurance agent customers who are currently and continually using direct mail to gain new leads and it's working for them! If it's not for you, that's totally fine - I'm not here to convince you to use them. Just offering suggestions and advice to those who seek it.
I know this was posted back in 2007, was just checking to see what you ended up doing? A postcard would work much better than a letter because you're taking away the obstacle of having to open something (yes, some people can be that lazy, lol). Postcards are also cheaper in postage.

If you want a reply card, I'd say go with the option of the postcard that has a tear-off reply card attached. The direct mail company you go with will be able to supply you with all the necessary USPS requirements. If you're still interested in doing this, let me know, happy to help!

Postcards are only cheaper (in reference to postage) if you are sending first class mail. If you have to use a vendor outside of the nearest DSCF then you might want to do first class, otherwise you are wasting money. The difference in price of first class postage and standard postage is... first class postage you pre-pay for return mail. If all you are wanting to do is create a response, then who cares if Mrs. Whatshername moved last week. I exclusively mail using standard rates.

Letters vs. Postcards... Different people respond to different pieces, do not EVER assume a postcard will out-perform a letter. Yes, SOME people are that lazy... but our audience being senior citizens... are trained to go through the mail... thoroughly. In my recent experience letters are out-performing postcards, but postcards are cheaper and easier to produce.
Postcards are only cheaper (in reference to postage) if you are sending first class mail. If you have to use a vendor outside of the nearest DSCF then you might want to do first class, otherwise you are wasting money. The difference in price of first class postage and standard postage is... first class postage you pre-pay for return mail. If all you are wanting to do is create a response, then who cares if Mrs. Whatshername moved last week. I exclusively mail using standard rates.

Letters vs. Postcards... Different people respond to different pieces, do not EVER assume a postcard will out-perform a letter. Yes, SOME people are that lazy... but our audience being senior citizens... are trained to go through the mail... thoroughly. In my recent experience letters are out-performing postcards, but postcards are cheaper and easier to produce.

I totally agree with you! I'm not trying to mock letters at all, they can definitely be effective depending on who they're being mailed to. In fact our sister company is a letter co. and they work a lot within the financial industry. Letters work great within finance because of the type of information that's being promoted such as credit scores and more personal info you wouldn't want on a postcard. But most of the businesses that work with our sister company are using letters to mail to their current customer database, they're not using them to gain new leads or prospects - which is where postcards work best, generating new leads.

The cost of a 4 1/4 x 6" postcard is less than a letter, however if you want to mail a 6 x 8 1/2" or a 6 x 11" card, the cost would be the same as a letter. Most people will throw away "junk mail" be it a letter or postcard - the only difference is that with a postcard, they'll at least see your marketing message before it hits the trash and that might be enough to stop them :)

So when you take a look, it all comes down to what the purpose is of your marketing campaign? If it's to get new leads/clients, postcards are a great option. It's also really important to have a good mailing list!
If you want to do a postcard, design your own on various internet sites and buy a list from the vendor of your choice. That way you control the content and the demographics.

There is no savings in having a company do it for you. And nobody will do it better then you will.

I have quite a few clients that do their own mail and do quite well with it. I think Malcolm (Pangea) has connections to get super cheap printing done as well if anyone is interested.
Since these are people you have already spoken to why not pick up the phone and talk to them again instead of spending $400 plus dollars to send them information that will probably get ignored or thrown away?

Because that isn't his curioisity.

Honestly, if you aren't capable of adding anything, just be quiet.

There are some very salient points to be made on the subject of who responds to direct mail and why.

I'll share a few:

The key to any successful mail campaign will be determined on how


your mail pieces are.

Your customers (just like you and me) are being bombarded on a near-daily basis by insurance companies soliciting business........life, auto, property, etc........the good news is they make the same fundamental mistakes in their marketing day after day after day....which is to say they just arent personal enough, don't offer value-addeds, are designed to make the customers reply to exactly no one in particular, etc.

Direct mail marketing is simple, but it does require some thought.

For more, email me offline.
Honestly, if you aren't capable of adding anything, just be quiet.

I apologize for taking your valuable time and am grateful for the lesson in how to conduct business. You definitely sound like you are a legend ---- in your own mind.

Maybe when you become a "real boss" and not just an "acting boss" you will have developed better communication skills.
Because that isn't his curioisity.

Honestly, if you aren't capable of adding anything, just be quiet.

First, you're quite a pompous buffoon to be making a comment like that about Frank.

Second, for you to do that and then try to pitch direct mail services is just ridiculous.

Lastly, what does "acting boss" mean?
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First, you're quite a pompous bafoon to be making a comment like that about Frank.

Second, for you to do that and then try to pitch direct mail services is just ridiculous.

Lastly, what does "acting boss" mean?

First (following your lead on context), I care not one whit what your opinion is, on anything.

Secondly, I am pitching nothing.

Thirdly, the word is "buffoon", not "bafoon" (sic)...if you're so stoopid (sic) so as to not be able to insult properly, then stick to selling your lists....which, oh by the way, the one I bought from you is performing nicely........on my direct mail campaign.

You folks would rather climb a tree to act like jackasses then stand on the ground and legitimate businessfolk.
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First, you're quite a pompous bafoon to be making a comment like that about Frank.

Second, for you to do that and then try to pitch direct mail services is just ridiculous.

Lastly, what does "acting boss" mean?

Oh, and "ActingBoss" refers to my having appeared onstage numerous times in theatre productions, typically playing Mafioso types.

Not that I'm feel particularly interested, or compelled, to answer any of your questions.
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I apologize for taking your valuable time and am grateful for the lesson in how to conduct business. You definitely sound like you are a legend ---- in your own mind.

Maybe when you become a "real boss" and not just an "acting boss" you will have developed better communication skills.

You would do well to speak to the 22 clients I've consulted from Baltimore to Temecula on the subject of direct mail marketing.

They'll tell you it works and they'll tell you they employ these fundamental, profit-driving precepts every day.
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Thirdly, the word is "buffoon", not "bafoon" (sic)...if you're so stoopid (sic) so as to not be able to insult properly, then stick to selling your lists....

In all seriousness, thanks for clearing that up. I assumed that since spell check didn't have any suggestions it was just more of a slang term, but apparently I was just that far off of spelling it.

which, oh by the way, the one I bought from you is performing nicely........on my direct mail campaign.

Not where I saw that one going, but I'll take the praise just the same.

You folks would rather climb a tree to act like jackasses then stand on the ground and legitimate businessfolk.

This can be a playful crowd, but Frank to my knowledge always keeps his nose clean. If you had made that comment to just about anyone else here I wouldn't have said anything, but you should be nice to the old goat farmer.