Howe Insurance Services (final Exp) Any Feedback?

I worked for Howe for about a year and regardless of what people are saying, Don and Tim Howe are stand up people in my book. Sales doesn't suit everyone and at H.I.S. it was truly a trial by fire. I washed out but don't think for a second it was the companies fault. Yes, you are given exclusive territorry so when I started I was a District Manager, and the $1000.00 guarantee, I know for a fact it would be honored. This is all part of selling an intangible product. I would advise anyone that can get hired there to do so because after that experience I have yet to have application rejected and only once in 10 times did I not get offered the position I was applying for. It is a legitimate company with salt of the earth people involved. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.