I Need A Release From GoHealth


New Member
So, I decided to go independent. I was in the process of contacting the insurance carriers that I would like to sell (United Healthcare, Aetna, Humana, etc.), while I was speaking to United Healthcare the representative said that I needed to have GoHealth sign a release to get my future commissions. Apparently, at one of the agencies I worked for in the past I signed a form designating my commissions to GoHealth. Today I called, e-mailed, sent web inquiries to GoHealth but nobody has gotten back to me. I would like to sell United Healthcare. What do I do? Aetna has GoHealth listed as my General Agent too. I have no idea what to do.
LMGInsurance, I am glad that you finally got your release from GH - it is tough to do! My guess is that others have not been so lucky.

I have taken to these forums because they present one of the few public places where agents can go for reliable industry advice - and I want to warn everyone about GoHealth. Unfortunately I do not have enough history here to post a new thread so I have to post in response to yours. Hopefully this will be helpful for you and for anyone else thinking about appointing with GH.

GoHealth is a band of misanthropic opportunists doing their absolute best to make money by any means necessary. Please don’t misunderstand me - the average employee there is well-meaning and undeserving of the criticism to follow. Unfortunately, as is the case with most poorly-functioning company cultures, the average employees have exactly zero influence on the direction of the company. To that end let me give you a sense of how the leadership of GoHealth does business and why you should steer clear of them.

GoHealth’s growth strategy is simple. Buy up every piece of insurance-related web real estate and bombard the public with intentionally confusing information in order to generate extremely expensive leads to sell to starving agents? Check. Skim off the top of those leads for your own in-house agents and then resell the garbage to your customers? Check. Develop one of the worst quoting and enrollment tools on the market and then position it as the second coming of Christ? Check. Lie to your customers repeatedly when said software doesn't work in order to cover up your own incompetence? Check. "Trick" agents into signing 12 month service contracts for this software when the industry standard is to go entirely contract free? Check. Hold corporate events where booze, drugs, inter-office affairs, and an unbelievable level of misogyny are celebrated by the Animal House-esque fraternity of your executives? Check. Dehumanize, underpay, and abuse employees to the point of calling one a "F****t Motherf****r" in public and laying off another while she was away on maternity leave? Check. Put a choke-hold on your fragile market share by mounting an endless series of frivolous lawsuits against your competitors in order to choke them out of business? Check. Staff your insurance call center with dramatically under-qualified temp workers, shoehorn them through the state licensing process, and then put them on the phone to "help" families make one of the most important financial decisions they will face each year? Check. Develop useless ancillary insurance products and coach your malleable agents to sell sub-par core medical policies to customers who rely on them for advice so that they will see the need for and buy these highly lucrative ancillary products? Check.

The list goes on and on and on. While you may think me a jilted lover given the tone of this review, I am nothing of the sort. I am writing this post not to condemn GoHealth, but to call them back to what they were and to protect their potential customers/employees/subcontracted agents while they are still errant and dangerous. I’ve had the distinct privilege of working alongside GoHealth for a few years and have seen them grow from earnest, starry-eyed dreamers to brilliant overnight success stories. This is a company that I want to love, but I just can’t. What drives me absolutely up the wall is that they were (and still may be) in the best position of anyone to make a meaningful impact in this broken industry and they completely blew it.
To be honest, I don’t really blame them. While driven, their executive leaders do not have the management skills it takes to run a successful business with more than a 1-2 million dollar valuation. Ratchet that up to a valuation of $300+ million in a year and it’s no surprise that they’ve gone all Justin Bieber on us. The best move that the board of directors could make would be to cash out their C, P, and VP level management (with one or two notable exceptions) and allow inside and outside help to take over the helm. Most of the rank and file are earnest and genuinely care about making a meaningful difference in the world of health-insurance. Many of them are more qualified than the executive team to lead the charge. This company can do so much if those in charge would start substituting the moral decision for the most profitable one from time to time.

Until they do, whether you are looking for insurance, looking for insurance leads/software, seeking employment, considering a partnership, or in any other way moving to work with GoHealth, stay as far away as you possibly can.
GoHealth is trash...when I worked 'retention' at Anthem, they were 80% of the problem apps.
They had an IPO of stock (GOCO) recently, down almost 50% since then. I thought all IPO stocks went up? Duh.

I wonder what insiders sold and ran?
I had never heard of them so I looked them up . Thru sept 30 th they averaged around 40 k Medicare apps a month .They have 1500 or so agents . They said in the first month aep business up 83% yr over yr . Means much of the Medicare business went telesales . These 100’s of call centers are calling Medicare people nonstop . I’m a face to face agent and beating in clients heads 100 times talk to no one over the phone as there scammers everywere . I’m your agent for life and local . It’s so easy to switch any client within a company from one plan to another . But I noticed many potential customers didn’t want to switch this yr so if they were in the wrong plan I simply moved them.
I had never heard of them so I looked them up . Thru sept 30 th they averaged around 40 k Medicare apps a month .They have 1500 or so agents . They said in the first month aep business up 83% yr over yr . Means much of the Medicare business went telesales . These 100’s of call centers are calling Medicare people nonstop . I’m a face to face agent and beating in clients heads 100 times talk to no one over the phone as there scammers everywere . I’m your agent for life and local . It’s so easy to switch any client within a company from one plan to another . But I noticed many potential customers didn’t want to switch this yr so if they were in the wrong plan I simply moved them.
They are averaging 46 apps per month per agent.. Sounds rather far fetched..

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