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If you could tell your younger self one thing....

If you could tell your younger self one thing, insurance industry related, what would it be? I am 29 years old, have been in the insurance industry for 8 years and have been blessed to be at the right place at the right time so far in my career but always like to learn what others wish they could have done differently than what they are doing now or what they wish they new earlier in their career.
My dad was an agent and financial planner for years so I was able to learn so much from his experience in the industry and the one thing that stuck with me from the start was "Always do the right thing and the money will follow."
I’m still new but so far I’d say
  • always start each day fresh (don’t let negativity from others, including prospects stay on your mind)
  • Keep your goals in mind
  • Keep documentation of/track of everything (calls, convos, appointments, gas mileage, etc)
  • Have a mentor or someone who can bounce ideas off of and learn from