Insurance Agent Websites

agent C

Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I would like to get a website for my agency but I have know idea where to start and what a good price would be for such a website. I would like the website to contain info. about my company, quote forms to fill out, and anything else that would be good for an insurance agency web site. Any iformation to lead me in the right direction would be very much appreciated.
I have been looking at several posts on this site about websites and there is a ton of great information but I think I am only more confused.
Heres my situation, I am multi line exclusive agent only licensed in one state, so would a website be beneficial for me if I was looking for it to help generate leads. Any P&C guys have any incite on this matter.
A website can help generate leads for you if your willing to invest into the site.

You need to sit down with a website developer that also does Search Term Optimization.

Ask the designer how they intend to get people to the site.

Come up with a budget for the site development & how much you want to spend a month getting people to the site.
For starters, you need a good-looking and substantial presence on the Internet. A place people can go to check you out.

In the past I have actually had people poke their head in the door and say "I just wanted to see if you really existed before doing business." I think it is somewhat the same now with the Internet.

So, by all means get some help with design.

Then start putting your Web site address on all your sales materials, but only after it is fully functional. Nothing turns off Web visitors more than the feeling a site belongs to a temporary or fly-by-night operation. Don't go public with a site that has any "under construction" pages.

Then worry about getting leads from your site once it is established. My own view is that worrying about quotes and making money is about 6 months premature in the process.

When you get to that point, the SEO positioning will take into account where you are located. Most people with any searching sense are not going to search on "Insurance" -they are going to search on "insurance automobile little rock" or whatever.
So what would be a good price range for a nice looking website. Is it better to work with someone local or through the Inet.
Most web designers that offer quality websites charge anywhere from $50-$120 an hour +. Whether local or over the internet the quality for price is most important.

You can get a site built through Norvax or Quotit but your site will look like everyone else's.

I'm actually an agent but I build websites in my free time. I'm offering quality websites catered to insurance agents that are fully customizable starting at $289. I've been designing websites for over 10 years and am knowledgable in graphic design. I can create just about anything.

You or anyone else interested can reach me at 757-320-5060 or [email protected] for more information or an estimate.
The company that did my site charged $768 for the site. I get hosting, email addresses and if i need changes done, they do that for me. They also handle the online marketing. Make sure you don't just budget for the website, but also for promoting it. I highly recommend that if you're planning on building a new site, see if you can afford to have it optimized. My site is partially optimized and it was up on Google within a week or 2. The results are quite impressive and easy to track because we have a detailed stats report that tells me how many visitors I get every day, where they come from, and where the users are in the country (so that I can see if they are in my state). It's quite facinating.
Thanks :) I'm not actually the agent, just to clarify, I'm his "marketing assistant" so that's why all my posts are on internet topics. Rob (the agent) paid a one-time payment of $768 for the site. Rob does search engine marketing with the same company so he pays separately for that. After the year, he owns the site and the company will continue to host it for free as long as he continues the other advertising he has on Google and Yahoo. He has listings in the sponsored links section, the local business section, and the organic search section. I also run his blog for him ( and we tie that into his website stuff. Sorry for the long list of details, I figured it might give you ideas :)

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