Is There a Future in Final Expense?

Why would you ever consider car sales over FE. That is crazy. 70k is chump change compared to what you can earn in this business.
Why would you ever consider car sales over FE. That is crazy. 70k is chump change compared to what you can earn in this business.

Tons of reasons to do insurance over car sales (Ive done both), esp FE insurance...but the top 2 I can think of are:

1) FE sales is typically weekday work, 90% of what I do is mon-fri 9-5pm. An occasional Sat or week night is sometimes needed....ironically Im going to an appt in a few min to get the daughter of my existing client done! Car Sales is almost the EXACT reverse!

2) RENEWALS- car sales will never be able to offer that....u have to keep working those Gawd Forsaken hrs to make a lot of $$$. I havent been in the business long enough to know this exact equation, but from what I can gather...If I work hard for 5-7yrs, I can work part time after that & still make a decent living or keep going at it F/T and make a killing!!

My 3 cents!
If you only focus on FE then maybe.. open up your bag dude.. get some good non med term up to 250k, get on direct with a couple health ins co... never leave business on the table