It's Time...

That is patently absurd, you can't be serious-I run a successful business and have a life, why would these forums be anything more than an occasional diversion for me?

Since this original post I have also messaged the admin asking him to delete my account with no response so it's obvious nothing will change so I am out.

It's too bad, because I went through the most recent topics and found at least 3 where I could have provided good advice based on my own experiences, including an explanation of how I am 3 for 3 in the past year in having clients successfully appeal IRMAA.

So, Insurance Forums, enjoy your troll, I have a tee time in 45 minutes...

Are you really in the insurance business? Doesn't seem that way based upon your thin skin. Don't go away mad just go away.
It's too bad, because I went through the most recent topics and found at least 3 where I could have provided good advice based on my own experiences, including an explanation of how I am 3 for 3 in the past year in having clients successfully appeal IRMAA.

So, Insurance Forums, enjoy your troll, I have a tee time in 45 minutes...
That's ok, LD will get it covered. FORE..........................:yes: