Landing Pages


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
What is your view on landing pages? Something other than your home page or will your home page suffice? Should it look different from your other pages?

Wonder if Aaron has a video on landing pages? I tried to search his blog but did not find a search box. Did I miss it?
Well, maybe I am not follow you, but I don't think you can create customized landing pages for organic search, I could be wrong.

people either go to or could change your theme around so your quote box and call to action stands out more..
Thx Aaron. Saw that vid the other day and it got me thinking.

You probably planned it that way . . .

No, I don't do PPC. Maybe if someone can show the the value (REAL ROI) I might someday but not now.

Thinking of tuning it for organic search.

When I blog I often link to internal pages in addition to the home page. Same for electronic newsletters (Constant Comment) and emails.

But I am thinking of creating one or more internal landing pages linked from Google searches.

My thought is, if I can create enough interest for a long tail search such as "why health insurance exchanges really really suck" they can go to my "suck" page instead of my home page.

OK, that was just a joke but if I am on the right track I obviously don't want Mark to know my targeted search terms.

Analytics shows me which pages are drawing attention but this is mostly by accident, not design. Apparently I am doing something on those pages to draw attention and even get top listing. Problem is, not enough traffic to those pages.

So if I can create some interest AND have an attractive landing page for that topic I win.

At least I think I will . . .
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You can (and should) be working on driving organic SEO traffic to more pages than just your home page. Here's a related video I did waaay back in the day about this:

Video 11 – Optimizing for Different Types of Insurance Terms | Methodology

Technically, these don't have to be landing pages, but you still need to follow some basic rules to make sure your visitors land softly on these internal pages so they don't bounce.
  • Let them know where they are, both in terms of what your site is and where on your site they are
  • Use a good, descriptive, and informative headline
  • Make sure your contact info is on the page
  • Don't forget the call to action


That was a while ago, before your hair (and mine) changed color . . .
What is your view on landing pages? Something other than your home page or will your home page suffice? Should it look different from your other pages?

Wonder if Aaron has a video on landing pages? I tried to search his blog but did not find a search box. Did I miss it?

Unless your site is very narrowly focused on a topic you should probably have multiple landing pages.

Ideally the person who types in "catastrophic health insurance" should see a different page than the person who types in "family insurance."

I haven't done this much with organic, but with PPC you can pass a query string and code the page so that the version it shows is consistent with the ad group.

To have multiple pages show up for organic, you have to create multiple pages with mostly unique content.

Even though I haven't done a lot of this with organic, I think it is a great idea, just one that I haven't gotten around to.