Living Benefits in California

Are there any life insurance carriers in California, that have living benefits?

Sr Life does. SL policy holders can get a membership to Legacy-Assurance for $4 per month. The $4 per month includes the proposed insured and up to 4 household family members.

Here are the living benefits:
_24 hour tele-medicine 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
_Discounts on diabetic socks, diabetic shoes, and hearing aids
_Free annual hearing exam
_Can select casket style ahead of time so no one in the family argues about which casket to get momma.

Here's the death benefits:
_Caskets, vault, and monuments are available for approx. half the price at the funeral home.
_Urns that retail for $499 available for just $99
_Legacy will negotiate the price of the burial or cremation with the funeral home on behalf of the family.

When this $4 monthly membership closing % goes up, persistency goes up, savings for the policy holder and family goes up, and our incomes go up!

You and anyone else can feel free to call me anytime with any questions, contracting, etc.