Looking for New Agency Management System...

I am an independent agent in Texas. We have been open for 8.5 years and have been mostly non-standard. We are about to transition to a more standard agency and I am trying to get some processes in place to become a more streamlined agency. I am looking for a new agency management system that is web-based and user friendly. I have been researching a lot of them and have so far narrowed it down to Agency Matrix and AMS 360. Does anyone have any opinions on these or recommendations on others. Agency Matrix seems to have all the features that I want and is extremely affordable. Any input would be appreciated.
we have Quomation, they have a quickrater and a management system, pretty fair priced also
I'm sure the guys at Vertafore would love to hear that you have narrowed down your options to either AMS360, a product used by some of the biggest agencies in the country, and Agency Matrix, the cheapest system in the market. There is a night and day difference between the two.

There are a lot more options out there. just google "insurance agency management system" and the first 3 pages just about sum up all of the players out there.
I switched from Doris/Applied to QQ Evolution which is the newest online version of QuickFile. The product is very good and the pricing is low. It cost me $900 for the set up including data transfer from my old system and $140 per moth for the first 3 users and $10 per month for each additional user. The monthly costs with Doris or an AMS product would have cost me an additional $7-8k per year in monthly fees. I have been pleasantly surprised with the QQ system and gave not discovered any shortcomings in the 10 months since we switched. I looked at AMS 360 and was impressed by all the bells as whistles but
I could not justify the costs.

I know nothing about the other system you mentioned but I did have some concern about smaller providers not being able to consistently support their product or eventually selling out to AMS or Applied, both the AMS and Applied sales reps mentioned this. Since QQ/Quickfile is the 3rd largest provider with a long track record I was comfortable that they were solvent, able to support their product and would not be absorbed by another company that would then Jack up the rates or cut
support... which is what Applied did with Doris IMO. I was also impressed with Hawksoft but their pricing was still a bit higher than QQ with no major benefit that I could see.
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Sorry for the poor spelling... I typed that whole thing on my iPhone and the autocorrect butchered it.
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I just started using Hawksoft this year and like it a lot so far, although I have never used any agency management system before so can't compare it to other systems. I'm in CA and write mostly personal lines with Mercury, Travelers, Safeco... Cost of the system seems reasonable ($200/mo).
I picked Hawksoft. Love it so far.

How is the system if you have multi agents with different commission tiers? I have QQ Evolution and haven't been very pleased and it seems like you have to take 5 steps for a simple task, plus their system is slow in navigation.

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