Looking to Take Things to the Next Level


New Member
First post here. Just trying to get an idea of what I am looking at for a hill to climb and the processes to become an independent agent. Currently I am working as an agency manager for Allstate. It is not the typical Allstate situation, I essentially the key person in the office that manages the producers. From training to hiring to firing, I do it all. The agent's only part within the office is funding, and deciding if the marketing direction is worth the cost. Anyways, I am considering becoming an independent. I have been on the P&C side for alittle over 3 years, and have done life insurance for Mutual of Omaha awhile back. Other than the typical start up costs of marketing, location, tech, and supplies and E&O. What should I expect? Are there costs involved in becoming appointed by each company? Thanks for any and all advice