Making the break from Captive to Independent

Tkruger you worked for a call center that fed you dual/ lis mostly clients like candy . These clients were swayed thinking they were getting more benefits . These are the most unloyal of all clients . With most call centers if the policy goes active on the first of the month and it’s active on the 10 th you get your $75 . If they disenroll at the end of month you get no chargeback . I replace 15-20 call center sold mapd’s a month .persiste Call center persistency is terrible . I don’t believe an independent agent after Lead costs can make a living selling duals on the phone . If you want to do telesales I’d recommend med sups .

Much respech sir or mam, but while I can tell you that you are wrong, due to the legal eyes combing this forum (pissed some people off) I cannot go into any further detail outside of this.

I prefer to do rather than say. I set this transition up with pleanty of capital to go the distance. I write my own check.
Tkruger you worked for a call center that fed you dual/ lis mostly clients like candy . These clients were swayed thinking they were getting more benefits . These are the most unloyal of all clients.

I agee on the duals for the most part. Do you use MarX? This tool give you an outline if they are a plan hopper. That said ANY plan hopper I would try to educate and then let go. I'm not a charity. Someone not a plan hopper I would be inclined to help. Likelyhood of maintaining will be much better.