MLM in your face?

well...again, when we start attacking member's wives that's about a low as this forum will ever go.

No it's not.

I don't much like your dog, John. It's butt-ugly!


NOW we've hit bottom... and it is a point of pride that I was able to do it!

Jackass Al
Great.... an angry-self-deprecating-liberal-with-a-sense-of-humor..... this is better than those free-webcams-offers I keep getting.

........ have to admit that a danged-ugly pooch though!

Get your facts straight pal. LINK Its 45 bucks a bottle.
Where are you getting 20 from? Who is "WE"? Because it sure dosn't envolve myself or those interested in purchasing the 40 dollar - 2 buck chuck.

Nobody hurt me when I was younger, great comeback though. "The most pure motives? I'm guessing she wears the pants in the family too.
Maybe I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by smart and sophisticated/experienced individuals while being raised. Let me guess, now your going to attack my spelling and punctuation errors... give me a break! "the population is growing!" omg... You're just a knuckle head. Lay off the Forest Gump movies...


1. I have a standing order at a level that gets me to $20/bottle. But, oh yeah....thats just for some of us SUCKERS who were stupid enough to get in the business end of things. But, after all, with your blueberry concoction from Sam's, what need to you have of the good-stuff?

2. Man, I told you about bringing my wife into this. Not a good move on your part. You simply don't know what you are doing. If you did...:mad:

3. You become the element on this forum when you insult forum member's spouses and their families with your little childish remarks like "fortunate enough to be surrounded by smart and sophisticated/experienced individuals while being raised". Like I said, if you want to attack me, that's fine. It would be a good idea to stick with attacking me. When it comes to the integrity and decency of my wife and just don't have a clue. Last time - leave them out of it.:mad::mad:

4. As for your spelling and punctuation errors. I couldn't care less. Its your decision if you want to have an uneducated image. Hmmppphhhh! And they talk about people from Alabama. I think I'm looking pretty good right now.:idea:

5. Yep, sometimes I'm a knuckle-head....and man, oh man...I could watch Forrest at least once each week. I think you and some others could take lessons in decency and human relations from Mr. Gump.
Wow....let's indeed not cross the line here by calling out other's wives! For Pete's sake - isn't it enough we dig into each other? Now we're calling people's wives unethical? Good Lord!

I am publicly calling on Sam to have a published policy that involves expulsion when it comes to statements against a forum member's spouse or family. Its one thing to beat each other up. I'm cool with that. But, the fact is that when it goes farther than that, we are on dangerous ground. Things have a real potential to get ugly, on a whole new level, when forum members lower themselves to that level.
I saw before and after photos of some NuSkin product on a male hair-challenged scalp, and it looked like it works! I'm not hair-challenged, but curious as to whether anyone's tried NuSkin stuff.
I am publicly calling on Sam to have a published policy that involves expulsion when it comes to statements against a forum member's spouse or family.

That is absurd. No one was attacking your wife. They just criticized her for being part of an MLM program. Anyone who is part of the MLM "culture" should know full well that many people consider it a scam and those who engage in it as scammers.

That does not make it so, and as such you should not get all bent out of shape. It's not like they called her a whore or a slut. Yeah, then I could see you getting angry, but get off your high horse and see the criticism for what it was... a commentary on MLM salespeople and not about your spouse's integrity, honesty, or her character.

Jackass Al
Yeah. OK. Let's go! All right! There's the Alabama right-wing whack-o ethic I like to see. Let's blow up someone's church... or better yet lynch them! You sure as hell give it out damn well, but you are a major wus when it's given back to you.

[picture deleted due to poor taste of the forum member]

You're the guy in the white shirt and tie holding the sign, right? Looks like you. Yeah, it's you. I remember you well... because I was there.

Al, such a fighter. The difference in you and me is that you go looking for a fight. I wait until the fight comes to me and then... Well, I choose to let those events speak for themselves.

As for blowing up someone's church and lynching someone: Al, you are behaving as one who is insane. :goofy: I absolutely condemn that kind of violent activity. Be assured, when it comes to picking on someone about race relations, you have made a bad choice. If you'd like, I could tell you about the time I that I lost a job because I did not share a certain negative view regarding race relations. I could tell you stories left and right about things that I have done to piss off people who have a racial bias. Just because I was born in Alabama, don't make the assumption that I am racist. Don't make the assumption that any Alabamian is racist unless he gives you proof. I have friends of all races. And, if I gave a $hit :SLEEP: concerning what you thought about me, I'd invite them on here to put you in your place.

As for giving it out and being a "wus" about taking it: I have no problem taking any criticism that is fair and objective, and I will answer that criticism honestly. The problem on this forum lately is that my two main and that other my old age, I have forgotten his name...but, both of you have been hateful, not objective. And if you are referring to the anger I express over my wife and parents being brought into this - deal with it. :mad: When someone is low enough to bring a forum member's wife or family into the picture, not only will I defend mine, but I'll stand with the guy or gal whose spouse and family was unfairly attacked. Those with decency and integrity will do the same.

Your picture: I deleted that disgraceful thing because you didn't have the good taste to be satisfied by having already posted it in another thread. :no: Sad. Very sad.

As for the presumption of my presence in the photograph: Born in 1969. Get it? And if you were there, it is a thing to be regretted. If you were there as an oppressor, shame on you. If you were there as a victim, we are all genuinely sorry for whatever happened to you. But, I would assess the possibility of your presence as doubtful. After all, you have already lied and said that you remember my presence. I guess I was out for my afternoon nap. :daydream:
I saw before and after photos of some NuSkin product on a male hair-challenged scalp, and it looked like it works! I'm not hair-challenged, but curious as to whether anyone's tried NuSkin stuff.

I've used Nioxin products NIOXIN® Research Laboratories: en for the past seven years and I know it works (for me)... not to grow hair... but to prevent hair loss and thinning.

As soon as I noticed the beginning of the male pattern bald spot at the top (when I was in my early 50s) I started using the product and I've not had any further erosion of hair. Here is a pix taken of me last week in Los Angeles at the BookExpo America (I still have hair at age 60!):


(Her name is Jula Jane. Yeah, she's a major book-babe. My entire report of the book convention is at A Saturday Rant: June 2008 if you are interested.)

Maybe it is coincidence but I'm not taking a chance by stopping to find out! Nioxin is not too expensive and you can get it an most beauty supply stores. I use the shampoo and the therapy rinse System 2.
NIOXIN® Research Laboratories: System 2

As always (especially here) YMMV.

(No, I did not score with Jula. But I bet some of you younger guys could have!)


The Jackass

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