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NAA (National Agents Alliance) Products

Re: NAA (National Agents Alliance)NEW INFO

Anyone Have Any Updated Feeback On The Company For 2011, Sounds Shady
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I thought you are in a motor home on the road instead of sitting at home racking in the money. As for NAA and many others like it, there will always be noobs willing to try and haven't done any homework or even know about this forum. And the secret formula for all the NAAs and others: 20% make 80% of the sales. A few stick it out and get to the 20% by default.
Hello everyone.
I am not sure quite what the stink is over the NAA.
Yes, they are modelled after an MLM.
Yes, they derive a large portion of the operating expenses from lead sales.
Yes, like most companies, the majority of agents are part time as opposed to full.
Yes, like most agencies, there is a large number of inactive agents on the rolls.
Yes, they have a small number of agents who are actually working the business and achieving $100k.

What we are missing is that, while that system is very much a MLM and is very much subject to the shortcomings, it IS a system and we can recognize it for what it is and choose to work it or not.

I started with NAA many years ago and walked away over my upline's cherry picking leads and chest puffing sales runs hoping to excite the masses. (The persistency is where the real story lie)
I owe them the system and success we enjoy today, not from working that system but rather from creating one that works, stripped away from all the MLM hype and convention.

Reality though is that most people WANT the glamour and hype, which is why NAA has thousands of contracted agents. Like everyone else, Agents come and go and I am sure that most are not aggresively out there working the system to grow their practice.

To make $100,000 in commission (not sales), is not difficult. It does however require working a successful system and doing the job.
What that system is differs based on your financial goal and personal investment.

Yes, leads can be a major overhead issue especially when the quality is very low and the lead premium priced. That can make or break any seasoned budget much less one on a part time shoestring.

Paying agents a reasonable commission is also another factor which will make or break a budget.

We also faced this problem when we started. We overcame it by creating our own program with skills training, personal field support and cost-free leads requiring only an Agent's time.
Surprisingly enough, most agents do not invest in themselves and is the single most contributor to an Agent's failure.

Recognition of whether a system works for them or not is another factor as is knowing when to cut the cord.

Knowing whether a system will work BEFORE getting involved is another art in itself.

Regardless, our part timers average 1 or 2 sales a week, pay almost nothing for marketing and make between $50k - $100k without including the cross sales.
Consider an average commission is around $800. Now do the numbers.
$800 x 2 apps = $1600 x 52 weeks = $83,200/year.
Now who can stand there and tell me that they cannot write up one couple a week?

Now consider what you can do writing TWO whole couples a week?

Okay, so what's holding you back (besides yourself)?

This business is about the numbers. The overhead numbers, the sales volume numbers, the number of hours an Agent is willing to work, the number of calls you need to make and so on.
They are important to observe if you want to succeed at what you do in any business, much less this one.

This is a business and not a hobby and must be treated like one. It requires discipline to organize and manage your individual practice which most people frankly, are unwilling to invest (or know how).
You should not HAVE to motivate people to do the job and earn $100k, don't you think?
With solid training and support PLUS cost free leads, we don't!
Imagine such a thing!

This is indeed a business and not a hobby. It must be treated like a business. Most NMO's do not adequately train their staff on how to run a business or essential sales skills. We do.

This business requires a strong organizational work ethic to do the job. Completed applications are not just pulled out of the air and handed out to Agents. Follow what works and disgard what does not. We do.

Apply sensibility to provide the clients what they need and not what you want to give them.
Expect the unexpected and be prepared for what skills you need to close business. We do.

Do you know what it really takes to be a $100k earner in your practice?
It s not hard to do, just write about 100 apps a year (2 week)
First you have to be paid a fair commission.
Second, you need to have a strong work ethic and invest in yourself.
Third, you need a valid system that will put you in front of clients (not prospects).
Fourth, you need to learn and apply the sales skills necessary to write business.
Fifth, you need to be with a firm that trains and supports Agents to personally help them grow their business.

Without all of these elements, expect a weak result. With them, $100k is only a small portion of what can be earned.

Write to us sometime on yahoo. We will be glad to chat a bit and see what is holding you back from your idea of success.
But let me say that sadly, we do not give out gaudy rings and trinkets or do junkets and rah-rah conventions. Our mantle is our bank account and what we need do to keep it fat and happy.

Which would you rather have?


Wish there was something like your co. near central Va. for a newbie..
NAA is a great company to meet new agents at your first weekly meeting, and second meeting, and third meeting...at your fourth weekly meeting you are now the veteran agent!

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