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Need Help From Greybeards! Mail Leads and Setting Appointments


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
My current arrangement allows me to live basically on TV responders and referrals from what modest amount of business I've been able to put on the books in my first year.

The problem is I am having to buy mail leads at $27 per pop and almost none of them close.

I don't bother calling them, I just show up at the door, lead-card in hand, approach sounding something like this:

(after identity is confirmed)

"I'm John from (the name of whom I am contracted with is an entity not popular amongst you all, apparently, so I'll not list it..........who it is isnt important anyway), and when you sent this back to us requesting this information the company asked me to deliver it to you as quick as possible"....then I do the JohnnyBoy shuffle by wiping my feet on the mat...."got a few minutes?"

Keep in mind at this point I am standing there with a package (series of booklets, inserts, etc., all in a larger brochure....

I need help with these objections:

1) "I didn't fill that out, don't know who did, and am not interested".....honestly, usuallly I just wilt when I hear that, and move on.......with that gnawing feeling of just having blown $27 plus gas, etc.

2) "I did send it in but I didn't expect an agent to show up at my door.......OR.....I thought I'd just get something in the mail, not for an agent to show up at my door....Why don't you just give me what you've got there (looking at my brochures) and leave me your card then I'll call you if I am interested?.....my response usually is "I understand you want to look at it yourself and make your own decision, but the information is designed to be gone over with a qualified, licensed agent....tell you what, it'll only take 17.5 minutes for me to cover this with you and if you like it, great, and if you don't you can kick me down the stairs, how does that sound?"....they then usually say, "just leave it with me and I'll call you if I am interested".

3) I'll leave out the standard "I'm not interested(s), I cannot afford it(s) (that one always works for me.....if they say they cant afford it, they're usuallly right) I'm too busy to talk about it, just leave me a card, etc........

This really has been a thorn for me.......I seem to do really, really well with TV leads and referrals and I bonus nearly every month, but this void in the direct mail is a huge problem for me.....I am certain of a couple of things:

1) part of the problem, undeniably, is my own stated aversion to knocking on doors, even with lead card in hand, and I am sure it shows in my delivery......though it might not be evident to me at the time, there must be something in my approach, either physically or with the spoken word, that is not conducive to gaining appointments with written responders.

2) these leads, by the time they reach me, are at least 3 weeks old........I've been told, alternately, that this both does and does not matter.....makes no sense to me...seems to me the fresher the better and lotsa times someone who has responded has already bought somewhere else by the time I blow my $27 and get there

3) I'm spending a fortune ($2k per month) in leads, 55% of which are mail responders, and I've gotta fix this problem.

The question is (beyond helping with the above-stated objections), whats the right approach for mail responders?

I've thought and thought about this and the only thing I can come up with is:

1) knock on more doors

2) clean the perspective when I do it

3) instead of using the above approach.....maybe insert the following before I launch into "when you responded the company sent me by to deliver this to you and have a short conversation with you about our program", etc....instead say

"You sent this back into is regarding our FE program....were you thinking of protecting (should I even use that word at this point?) yourself or your spouse?"...really any type of question other than "can I come in and talk to you about it?", other than just going straight for the sit-down jugular without any dialogue at all other than "you sent this in"....then once any type of response is given ("my spouse, myself, my grandchildren, etc") then continue with "my company sent me by to deliver the info you requested" etc.

Its really an issue.

Any one generous enough to help?

Thank you.
Re: Need Help from Greybeards---mail Leads and Setting Appointmen

Tell your mgr. to ride with you for a day or 2.He can watch your presentation and you can watch his presentation.
Re: Need Help from Greybeards---mail Leads and Setting Appointmen

Why are you buying $27 direct mail leads?
Re: Need Help from Greybeards---mail Leads and Setting Appointmen

i still drop in on leads that are a year or two old for mailer leads... what kind of mailer are you doing FE, medicare,....?

when I run old leads (i never call, even if they are fresh leads), I give them 3 reasons why they filled it out.

(knock on the door), hello mr jones, my name is Phil, and the reason that I'm swinging by is that you filled out this card a few months ago.

(give them the card to hold so they can read it, while they are reading)

"Usually when people fill this card out, they are looking to save money. Some want to save money on their medicare supplement, some want to save money on their doctor bills, some want to save money on their prescriptions, and some people fill it out just to see my smiling face. What did you have in mind?"

if life mailer, people are looking to save money, some want to save money on their funeral costs, some want to leave money to their survivors, some want to save money on their life insurance, what did you have in mind? (then you know why they are looking to buy, and use that when you close, earlier you said you didn't want to be a burden to your kids, wanted to leave money to your grandchildren, etc)

(they'll usually give you one of the first 3, since you told them why they filled it out. if they don't know, they are definitely tougher to sell, but still if you can save them money, they should be open minded)

the only response i ever get at the door is either come in, or occassionally want some information (which is rare, since they told you one of the 3-4 reasons that you set in their mind).

If they ask for info, I usually quickly fire back with, "I've got info for 50 companies in the car trunk, but most customers would rather have me help them find the best deal. If they still ask for info, I'll ask do you want info from any one company in particular, or would you rather I get a box and leave you all 50 for you to sort through. " and say it with a smile

no ones ever asked for information after that.
Re: Need Help from Greybeards---mail Leads and Setting Appointmen

When agents sell LH they just have that swarmy "I don't care that that I'm slinging overpriced slop. I am just desperate to make a sale lady" stink on them. People can smell that 20 feet away.

It's too bad too because we can use more inventory.

My advice really is to cut your losses now on LH. Contract with some decent companies as an independent. You will pay less for better leads and have a much better priced product to sell.

Some people really are just screwing around when they mail in lead cards. But when you start buying your own leads (away from LH) you will have fewer of them.

Read this forum. There is a wealth of information on here to learn from. And nothing replaces practice and experience. But to survive you need to get experienced with lower lead costs and better priced products.

And if you DO decide to stick it out with LH, we could use more of that inventory in Indiana and Kentucky. Thank you for all you do!
Re: Need Help from Greybeards---mail Leads and Setting Appointmen

i still drop in on leads that are a year or two old for mailer leads... what kind of mailer are you doing FE, medicare,....?

when I run old leads (i never call, even if they are fresh leads), I give them 3 reasons why they filled it out.

(knock on the door), hello mr jones, my name is Phil, and the reason that I'm swinging by is that you filled out this card a few months ago.

(give them the card to hold so they can read it, while they are reading)

"Usually when people fill this card out, they are looking to save money. Some want to save money on their medicare supplement, some want to save money on their doctor bills, some want to save money on their prescriptions, and some people fill it out just to see my smiling face. What did you have in mind?"

if life mailer, people are looking to save money, some want to save money on their funeral costs, some want to leave money to their survivors, some want to save money on their life insurance, what did you have in mind? (then you know why they are looking to buy, and use that when you close, earlier you said you didn't want to be a burden to your kids, wanted to leave money to your grandchildren, etc)

(they'll usually give you one of the first 3, since you told them why they filled it out. if they don't know, they are definitely tougher to sell, but still if you can save them money, they should be open minded)

the only response i ever get at the door is either come in, or occassionally want some information (which is rare, since they told you one of the 3-4 reasons that you set in their mind).

If they ask for info, I usually quickly fire back with, "I've got info for 50 companies in the car trunk, but most customers would rather have me help them find the best deal. If they still ask for info, I'll ask do you want info from any one company in particular, or would you rather I get a box and leave you all 50 for you to sort through. " and say it with a smile

no ones ever asked for information after that.

This is very good, thank you.

I feel more optimistic already.

Thank you again.
Re: Need Help from Greybeards---mail Leads and Setting Appointmen

When agents sell LH they just have that swarmy "I don't care that that I'm slinging overpriced slop. I am just desperate to make a sale lady" stink on them. People can smell that 20 feet away.

It's too bad too because we can use more inventory.

My advice really is to cut your losses now on LH. Contract with some decent companies as an independent. You will pay less for better leads and have a much better priced product to sell.

Some people really are just screwing around when they mail in lead cards. But when you start buying your own leads (away from LH) you will have fewer of them.

Read this forum. There is a wealth of information on here to learn from. And nothing replaces practice and experience. But to survive you need to get experienced with lower lead costs and better priced products.

And if you DO decide to stick it out with LH, we could use more of that inventory in Indiana and Kentucky. Thank you for all you do!


Boss, you should find a better company to work with. You can get higher contracts and cheaper/better leads.

I understand that you didn't want to post the name of the company you're working with. You already know how most of us feel about them. Do you think we're voicing our opinion about them without knowing what we're talking about? Do you think the masses are wrong?
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Re: Need Help from Greybeards---mail Leads and Setting Appointmen

My current arrangement allows me to live basically on TV responders and referrals from what modest amount of business I've been able to put on the books in my first year.

The problem is I am having to buy mail leads at $27 per pop and almost none of them close........

OK, first I am not an FE only agent. But I have been doing this a long time. I do not do any bought leads. So I can not help you in that way.


Any time I hear someone say they have to or had to buy x leads for $X. I am pretty sure they are talking about a lead mill like Lincoln Heritage. A Vector magnate system. I know several agents that have been LH serfs, till they Vectored out. My area has had shops shut down and reopend several time. Every manager has been the worst type of slime ball. Same has been true of the American Income people that I have met.

If you are doing well on the TV leads why the hell are you buying leads that are not working for you? If you are captive why the hell hasn't your manager noticed the problem and helped you? Are you vested? Who is making money on the leads? Always follow the money.

That manager works for you!!! If he is not, Fire his ass!!! You are doing the work. You are paying for the leads. You are paying his morgage and for those cheesy suits he wears.

At 11am pt this morning I am going out to review a LH policy that a clents Aunt bought 3 months ago. We invited the other agent to the meeting. Gawd. I hope he bring his manager. Should be fun. I am sure I will have to pay for his coffee.

Just my 2 cents.

oh by the way, pbbaseball had a good post. answered your question much better than I.
Re: Need Help from Greybeards---mail Leads and Setting Appointmen


Boss, you should find a better company to work with. You can get higher contracts and cheaper/better leads.

I understand that you didn't want to post the name of the company you're working with. You already know how most of us feel about them. Do you think we're voicing our opinion about them without knowing what we're talking about? Do you think the masses are wrong?

I thlnk a great number of you leap to the wrong conclusions in never-ending efforts to appear sage.

Yes, I've got a current contract with LH, but I am independent, and, frankly, have the same issue with mail responders whether they are LH responders or from my other direct mail outlet.

Lastly, and I hope I don't appear as sophomoric as some of you all here, I didn't ask for input on my contractual arrangements, as I have plenty and am happy with all of them. I need to add more, but the ones I have are sufficient at the moment.

Thanks to all who've replied on and off-board constructively.

To those who've responded like you have, I hope my life never deteriorates to a point where I need uplift from a messsaage board.
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Why are you buying $27 direct mail leads?

Because at the moment I am contractually obligated to do so.

I might also point out I have bought a mailing list from you, also.
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Re: Need Help from Greybeards---mail Leads and Setting Appointmen

Sounds like they have the hook in him pretty good. Let's just hope he sells a lot of that stuff before he gets away.

We NEED more inventory over here!