New Commercial Agent Handbook


New Member
Hey everyone,

I am relatively new to selling commercial insurance. I started working for my father's agency back in September 2014. The agency is only in our 6th year and up until now it was just my dad and his CSR. I am basically responsible for training myself, besides going to some of the programs offered by our carriers.

Since I have been training myself, I have been trying to compile all the information that I have found helpful in order to give some guidance to future producers we hire. I have been saving things like checklists, blank accord apps, online articles, blog posts, emails, etc. just to help introduce new agents to how things work.

Does anyone have any guidance, materials, info that helped them along the way that they are willing to share? Things like what questions to ask prospects, cold calling scripts, checklists, or anything other valuable info would be greatly appreciated.

Hey everyone,

I am relatively new to selling commercial insurance. I started working for my father's agency back in September 2014. The agency is only in our 6th year and up until now it was just my dad and his CSR. I am basically responsible for training myself, besides going to some of the programs offered by our carriers.

Since I have been training myself, I have been trying to compile all the information that I have found helpful in order to give some guidance to future producers we hire. I have been saving things like checklists, blank accord apps, online articles, blog posts, emails, etc. just to help introduce new agents to how things work.

Does anyone have any guidance, materials, info that helped them along the way that they are willing to share? Things like what questions to ask prospects, cold calling scripts, checklists, or anything other valuable info would be greatly appreciated.


Hey JComey757 - Lots of good wishes as you enter the stream and the marketplace!

I'd like to offer a few quick and strategic ideas that hopefully will help get you off to a good start selling commercial insurance. First, be thoughtful about the kinds of businesses you target. Focus on targets that will give you enough revenue to make it worth your while; ones that your carriers want to write; and classes where you can offer some distinct advantage in terms of coverage, service or price.

Secondly, operate with the attitude and understanding that you have something of value to offer to the people and businesses you're talking to. Feeling the certainty of that will make you confident and convey a positive message to the prospects.

Finally, really listen to the prospects you talk with. Tune into their concerns. Try to understand what's most important to them - time, convenience, trust, cutting costs, etc. -- and relate to those concerns directly. Above all, everyone wants to buy from people they trust and like. If you can engender confidence that you have their interests at heart then you'll be able to make sales happen and grow your book and agency.

Obviously there's tuns more to learn and get good at, but the right attitude will give you a great foundation to build on. Good luck!
Best of luck Jcomey757! When I was starting out I was lucky enough to have a sharp marketing director to help me make an "attractive" submission for underwriting. Little stuff, like a submission cover letter that highlights the exposure, premium and stature of the business. A loss history summarization by line of coverage and year with details about open claims and large losses. I ended up making a submission 'template' to help new producers since the applications can be overwhelming for newer guys...might be similar to your checklist.

Another good thing to have would be access to prospecting/calling lists that are searchable by policy xdate, class of business, size, etc. When I got my start we used a pretty out of date system but it was the only place to go and was a big help because it took all the leg work out of making a calling list. It took 5 minutes to set up a list and I could just hit the phones.

Last year I started my own company to make a better product for the PA market (I sold in the Philadelphia metro region) and now we're in 7 states with more to come so it's certainly an invaluable tool for sales growth. The site is called -

My last recommendation would be a book called The Wedge, by randy Schwartz (not sure if I got his last name right). The Wedge is a sales technique that is highly applicable to the commercial insurance sales industry. It's a good read and you can quickly implement it into your sales routine.