New to Cold Calling, Getting Discouraged Already

Yup, just keep smiling and dialing...until you're broke.

If you are not pulling results, you better switch it up or you will go broke. I tried selling voluntary, payroll deducted life in my market and made very little headway. Others do it successfully, but it took two weeks of full time activity to realize I just was not getting to first base often enough to make enough money.

I have successfully called for health insurance and for life insurance (& other financial products). I would say the mistake most people make is not giving it enough time to work. However, if you continually do not get to first base, you better change something or you will be broke.

Most cold call gurus fall into two camps:

1. Cold calling does not work-Most of these people did not make enough calls or possibly never picked up the phone. It does work.

2. Cold calling is awesome and easy crowd- Most of these people do not make calls either. How do I know? Because if they did, they would realize it does suck. Who likes to get rejected on 90% of their calls? Not me. Cold calling is not the most efficient form of marketing, but it is highly effective. Many big producers got their start doing it, then found other methods to compliment or completely replace their cold calling efforts as time goes on.

If you have limited money, limited sales/marketing experience, and your network will not bring you substantial business, you have two choices: 1. Make calls to people who do not know you. Or. 2. Find a new line of work.
Have you ever tried aged leads along with a list company, if so, which company do you recommend?
BeachBum2012 I understand where you are coming from cold calling sucks, but I have to say it can work. I am also in MI. I have a small agency and focus on p&c but I am trying to move toward more A&H including Medsup just for balanced growth.

Buying list is risky some companies return policy is jacked up or they don't have one, so you gotta watch out. I find that the building a farm approach works best for me.

Step1 Buy a list with an address and send a post card / intro card to break the ice.

Step2 Call within 3-5 days of the card going out.

Step3 Ask for the referal even if you don't help them, do they know someone your product would help. Please pass my contact info on.

Whatever script you use, discard it. If you understand and know your product then explain and convey the best things about it with the passion and excitment that you can't get from reading something somebody you don't know wrote or sounding reherased, prospects can tell if your being real. The same with introducing yourself and getting an instant rapport going, scripts can work but being yourself is best, and nobody does that better than you. Most times the older the prospect the more experince they have have with people calling them with some type of phone scam, so you gotta be natural and the script takes that away to a degree, just my point of view. Bottomline stay with it, change and modify as you go, but you will see policies on the books over time.
Don't be discouraged. Now that you know where you can get a good list of numbers for cold-calling, it's time to prepare yourself to turn that cold calls into hot sales.
Make sure you'll leave a good impression to the person you are talking to. Be a good listener, know what the person want and show how the person can benefit from the product or service you are selling. Be polite and say thank you afterwards.
I've been watching some cold calling training vids from the 70s, but there has been a lot of good info.

One thing was to listen for unique words or phrases that the other person uses. Then repeat it back to them. 95% of people won't know what your doing, but will start to feel more comfortable with you.

The other thing was to pause and take breaths mid-sentence and run sentences together. Most people aren't that rude, so they won't cut you off until you finish a sentence and take a breath.

Something like this: "Hi, John how are you/doing today. (No pause). I'm calling on seniors today to talk/about taking care of/all of your final expense needs.

The idea is to pause and breathe where the /s are. And not to pause at the end of a sentence.
The videos you have been watching are by Stan Billue, he is a true legend. We offer his course right on our website. If you buy the course from our site we will include a free month of the dialer service, but you have to ask for the free dialer and say you saw it in this post (we don't offer this to just anyone!).
Like in the academy award movie called "friday" when craig's dad was talking to craig on defending himself...and I quote "you win some, you lose some but you get to fight another day". (lol on the academy)

It is a numbers game...Smile! Start the call by saying their first name after they answer. Dont say is Mr. or Ms such and such home? Or may I speak to such and such....

client: hello?
rep: Dave?
client: yes!
rep: Hi Dave this is ____ and im contacting you because_______

that alone has my cold calling hang up ratio gone down quite a bit....the rest is to strike up a conversation....trial and error, you will find a way. Remember Rome was not built in a day my friend.;)