Now is the Time to Talk About Death!

Its amazing to me how many people say they need life insurance and never actually go out and buy some.

I always wait to the last min to file my taxes. I know I need to do them and have to do them, but I don't want to think about them until I have to. A lot of people are the same way and treat life insurance the same way. The problem is they wait until it is too late. The clock runs out.
Well insurance is a numbers game is it not?

It is a numbers game.

This kind of thinking has led to:

- The alltime record low in personally-owned life insurance.
- A 92% failure rate among new agents.

I guess the thinking is; if we hound and accost enough people in public and on the street, someone eventually will say yes...just to get rid of us.

Yes, truly a numbers game.
i can get the conversation started but most people i encounter take my card and never call.

What's that saying? The proof of the pudding is in the eating?

Paul...Did you see "Groundhog Day"? If you did, in I bet you remember the insurance agent.

My alltime favorite portrayal Ed. "Ned Ryerson". For those who've never seen it...

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The ugly truth is this is EXACTLY how the public views us.

Is it really any wonder? While some poor bastard is tryin' to eat his burrito...

"I asked the guy if he thought Billy M. had any life insurance. His answer was yes, without even pausing for 1 second. I asked him if he had any life insurance or C.I. Insurance. He asked me what was C.I. Insurance and it was on from there. I had my foot in the door so to speak. Of course the guy was in a hurry and I didn’t have long, but I was able to give him my business card and at least light a fire in him and at least made him think about insurance."

With all due respect, I don't think it was you that "lit a fire in him". It was the Louisiana Hot Sauce.
"Ned's" make sales. Sometimes lot's of sales.

I don't know how many of them actually develop clients, but they make sales in spite of their brash approach.

If you want to watch a movie on persistence, and overcoming adversity, watch Door to Door, the Bill Porter story.
This kind of thinking has led to:

- The alltime record low in personally-owned life insurance.
- A 92% failure rate among new agents.

I guess the thinking is; if we hound and accost enough people in public and on the street, someone eventually will say yes...just to get rid of us.

Yes, truly a numbers game.

Moon, you seem to be one of the more intelligent and knowledgeable agents on this forum. What would your suggestions be about generating leads, conversation or presentation with prospect, best products to sell, etc., etc. Thanks!
Moon, you seem to be one of the more intelligent and knowledgeable agents on this forum. What would your suggestions be about generating leads, conversation or presentation with prospect, best products to sell, etc., etc. Thanks!

Those of us who truly are some of the more intelligent and knowledgeable agents on this forum might be offended by that that comment.:D

(Sorry Paul - that was way too easy.)


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