Post-Convention in Dublin: Suprising Stuff I Learned From A Few Top Gun Final Expense Producers

As you can imagine, drinking is a popular pastime with bars and pubs on every corner.

Dublin is generally a clean place, and the countryside is very green and pastoral. The rain thankfully held off the entire time with only one day cloudy.

If you go, I'd recommend a night at Johnnie Fox's for good, traditional Irish fun (drinking, singing, Riverdancing, and more drinking).


Typically, the lead advertises a five-dollar gift card.

The agents who use the Wal-Mart lead rarely give it out, and only so when it's asked for.

I made sure to clarify whether or not they actually SHOW a copy of the lead during the sales call, as I figure that would ramp up the number of people expressing interest in getting their Wal-Mart card.

These agents DO NOT show the card, and run the appointment on the assumed basis they wanted information on life insurance versus free handouts.


I forgot a few other interesting points to share:

Many of these top producers overcame significant "downs" in their careers.

One top producing agent had triplets in his recent past (imagine the pressure on him and his wife in addition to the pressure to perform at peak levels).

Another had to reinvent himself after suffering cardiac issues due to the stress of managing a Professional Adult Babysitting Business (hmm... maybe that's not acid reflux pain after all I'm experiencing?).

Another owed a notorious final expense carrier nearly $50,000 in chargebacks accumulated via deadbeat agents who left the bill to him. He cleared off his balance over several years and decided to focus on personal production versus recruiting (heart disease and debt... I'm seeing a worrying trend here.).

Point is the path of success in life is rarely without obstacle, and it's important to share that even the most successful final expense agents have experienced circumstances that could easily have persuaded them to quit, but instead decided to overcome those obstacles to become even more successful.

Perfect post, thanks for sharing :)
You're back!! How are things going since getting some help from Agent5guy?

I haven't left ??
I just don't post much anymore, but I do stalk a little LOL jk.
I'm fabulous, probably the best I've ever been.
Thanks for asking.


I haven't left ??
I just don't post much anymore, but I do stalk a little LOL jk.
I'm fabulous, probably the best I've ever been.
Thanks for asking.

Not sure why the question marks popped up, those were supposed to be smiley faces.

How's this work? I think Lee would be in agreement.

Going to need to send her to Fight Club.
Great post! Thank you! This is the first time I've heard of anyone successfully using the Walmart gift card leads for any extended period of time.
Unlike the other agents above, he hates the generic leads and in his words, "wants the most expensive lead he can buy," to get the best quality lead available.

If he's open to new lead ideas, I'm fairly confident I can provide him a new, exclusive, higher priced lead card.