Social Distancing and Insurance Sales

I can think of a whole lot of candy bars that I'd eat before a Baby Ruth. :yes:

As more-and-more of society opens up and realizes their fellow man and woman aren't the plague, the social distancing will go to the wayside.

It's just the trend of the season, but people are social creatures, and they will literally go crazy without close human interaction. Sure, these major global corporations and the government are going to try and keep it around because they "love us" and "want to protect us." :D But overall, regular people will be completely done with this by summer.

I live in a highly liberal area, and even these people have already had it. Most clients just tell me to come to the house. No gloves, masks, or any other emotional "feel-good" halloween costume accessories demanded or required.

The general attitude around here, from what I can see, is pretty much "look....if I get it, I get it. I'm not living like a house prisoner for the rest of eternity."
My favorite so far has been the reporter "reporting" from home who forgot about his pantslessness and did a half stand-up on the air. Moral of the story, don't worry so much about the shirt, worry what's going on down below.