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Still Looking for T-65 Direct Mail Script


I have received a bunch of T-65 direct mail leads and I don't have a proven script to go off of (if there is such a beast).

The postcards that my direct mailer sends out basically say that it is a request for information about medicare supplements and prescription drug benefits.

My script, to this point has been..."Hello, Mrs. Smith, my name is Dallas, and the reason I am calling is because you had recently requested information, from our company, about medicare supplements and we need to get together to go over all of your options. What would work better for you, mornings or afternoons?"

I know it's short and to the point, but I have nothing else to go off of. Any "specific" comments would be helpful. When I say specific I mean I just don't want to hear general things like "have a good attitude, be helpful, be pleasant, etc."

When experimenting with scripts to use what would be a good gauge, to use, to judge its success. Would setting 1 appointment out of 10 contacts made, be a good ratio? 1 out of 5? 1 out of 3? Thanks.
Before asking for appointments, I would usually ask a couple of "undeniable truths."

For example "Hello, Mrs Smith, my name is Dallas. I am calling in regards to the card you sent in requesting information regrading medicare supplements. I just had a couple of questions to make sure we get you the right information.

You're there at 123 Main St, Is that right?? "Yes"
And are you currently on Medicare?? "Yes"

Anything can be asked as long as you get them to say yes a couple of times first. Then you can move forward with the "We need to get together to go over options. What would work better for you, mornings or afternoons?"

Just my thoughts. This may increase appt setting %. This however does not prequalify much on appointment. Is your goal to set as many appts at possible or Prequalify lead so you know exactly what you are walking into???
I am basically just trying to get the appointment. Since most of them are in their open enrollment period there isn't much need, in my mind, to qualify them. Thanks.

Before asking for appointments, I would usually ask a couple of "undeniable truths."

For example "Hello, Mrs Smith, my name is Dallas. I am calling in regards to the card you sent in requesting information regrading medicare supplements. I just had a couple of questions to make sure we get you the right information.

You're there at 123 Main St, Is that right?? "Yes"
And are you currently on Medicare?? "Yes"

Anything can be asked as long as you get them to say yes a couple of times first. Then you can move forward with the "We need to get together to go over options. What would work better for you, mornings or afternoons?"

Just my thoughts. This may increase appt setting %. This however does not prequalify much on appointment. Is your goal to set as many appts at possible or Prequalify lead so you know exactly what you are walking into???
Before asking for appointments, I would usually ask a couple of "undeniable truths."

For example "Hello, Mrs Smith, my name is Dallas. I am calling in regards to the card you sent in requesting information regrading medicare supplements. I just had a couple of questions to make sure we get you the right information.

You're there at 123 Main St, Is that right?? "Yes"
And are you currently on Medicare?? "Yes"

Anything can be asked as long as you get them to say yes a couple of times first. Then you can move forward with the "We need to get together to go over options. What would work better for you, mornings or afternoons?"

Just my thoughts. This may increase appt setting %. This however does not prequalify much on appointment. Is your goal to set as many appts at possible or Prequalify lead so you know exactly what you are walking into???

No to be rude, but every new agent is taught to speak this way on the phone and it doesn't really work.

You need to be natural with the client. You don't need to get "3 yes'" from them to ask for an appointment. You need to give them a reason to have you in their home though.

Dallas, I work the same kind of leads you do. Initial enrollments.

I do well saying this, "Mrs. Smith? Hi, my name is Chaz Mulherin and I'm calling because I just got a card you had filled out and sent back to me with red and blue letters on it and I see youre going onto medicare in June, correct?" They say yes and I immediately say, "ok well what I do is help people that are going on to medicare for the first time. I let them know what medicare covers, what it doesn't cover and what options you have. I'm sure you've been getting a ton of mail right now from various companies and I help simplify the process". Usually at some point they might butt in and let you know some info. ie., they've received a lot of mail or they aren't interested or they need help. Conversation should come up on their end. If it doesn't just let them know that you explain what part a and part B cover and you feel its important to know what the cost are.

I go from there and say, "are you available at this date".

My wording usually stays the same, the only part that I sometimes change is at the part after I say, "and what options you have". Sometimes after that I say, " have you looked in to what options you have"? If they don't say anything quick, I usually continue to where I was in the script.

I don't have this script written down. I just say it naturally and I use my hands a LOT..lol
It seems to help and remember, just practice enough and eventually it will come out naturally.

ps. The whole "are mornings or afternoons better for you" comes off like your an insurance agent. IMO
I look at my schedule and ask for a date and time that works for me. If it doesn't work for them I ask whats the best day for them and go from there
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Hey Chaz,
Thanks for the response... Just wondering, since you are using the same leads that I'm using, what kind of appt. ratio do you get with these leads? Is getting 1 appt. out of 5 contacts a reasonable goal? Thanks.

No to be rude, but every new agent is taught to speak this way on the phone and it doesn't really work.

You need to be natural with the client. You don't need to get "3 yes'" from them to ask for an appointment. You need to give them a reason to have you in their home though.

Dallas, I work the same kind of leads you do. Initial enrollments.

I do well saying this, "Mrs. Smith? Hi, my name is Chaz Mulherin and I'm calling because I just got a card you had filled out and sent back to me with red and blue letters on it and I see youre going onto medicare in June, correct?" They say yes and I immediately say, "ok well what I do is help people that are going on to medicare for the first time. I let them know what medicare covers, what it doesn't cover and what options you have. I'm sure you've been getting a ton of mail right now from various companies and I help simplify the process". Usually at some point they might butt in and let you know some info. ie., they've received a lot of mail or they aren't interested or they need help. Conversation should come up on their end. If it doesn't just let them know that you explain what part a and part B cover and you feel its important to know what the cost are.

I go from there and say, "are you available at this date".

My wording usually stays the same, the only part that I sometimes change is at the part after I say, "and what options you have". Sometimes after that I say, " have you looked in to what options you have"? If they don't say anything quick, I usually continue to where I was in the script.

I don't have this script written down. I just say it naturally and I use my hands a LOT..lol
It seems to help and remember, just practice enough and eventually it will come out naturally.

ps. The whole "are mornings or afternoons better for you" comes off like your an insurance agent. IMO
I look at my schedule and ask for a date and time that works for me. If it doesn't work for them I ask whats the best day for them and go from there
1 out of 5 contacts? No, your goal should be higher. I'd say 1:2 or 1:3. I have ok months with my mailer, a bad month here or there and some really good months.

It's important to mail them 4 months out so you're not the 20th lead card they've seen. Call morning and night and still cold call too. It's all important.
No to be rude, but every new agent is taught to speak this way on the phone and it doesn't really work.

You need to be natural with the client. You don't need to get "3 yes'" from them to ask for an appointment. You need to give them a reason to have you in their home though.

Dallas, I work the same kind of leads you do. Initial enrollments.

I do well saying this, "Mrs. Smith? Hi, my name is Chaz Mulherin and I'm calling because I just got a card you had filled out and sent back to me with red and blue letters on it and I see youre going onto medicare in June, correct?" They say yes and I immediately say, "ok well what I do is help people that are going on to medicare for the first time. I let them know what medicare covers, what it doesn't cover and what options you have. I'm sure you've been getting a ton of mail right now from various companies and I help simplify the process". Usually at some point they might butt in and let you know some info. ie., they've received a lot of mail or they aren't interested or they need help. Conversation should come up on their end. If it doesn't just let them know that you explain what part a and part B cover and you feel its important to know what the cost are.

I go from there and say, "are you available at this date".

My wording usually stays the same, the only part that I sometimes change is at the part after I say, "and what options you have". Sometimes after that I say, " have you looked in to what options you have"? If they don't say anything quick, I usually continue to where I was in the script.

I don't have this script written down. I just say it naturally and I use my hands a LOT..lol
It seems to help and remember, just practice enough and eventually it will come out naturally.

ps. The whole "are mornings or afternoons better for you" comes off like your an insurance agent. IMO
I look at my schedule and ask for a date and time that works for me. If it doesn't work for them I ask whats the best day for them and go from there

No offense taken. I like what you say here about the conversational approach. You asked one clarification question first, I said two...tomato, tomatoe!!

I would definitely agree that a little dialogue before asking for the appt is good. I think the questions at the beginning do two things. In addition to getting them to say yes a couple of times, it gives a feeling that you know something about them and this isn't a random "cold call." You can usually tell in this time whether the person is open to the conversation or no. I like you don't have a written script anymore, but do something similar depending on client reaction to the earlier questions.

Biggest thing is try a few things and find what works best for you and your personality. Its art! I by no means consider myself an expert, just my .02.
Thanks Chaz and Lucasr for all of your help. I have taken both of your suggestions and transformed it into one script.

Here's what I'm going to say...

"Hello, Mr. Smith, my name is Dallas and I’m calling because you had recently sent in a card, to our company, requesting information about medicare supplements. I just had a couple of questions to make sure that we get you the right information.

It says here that your present address is …… Is that still correct?
Also, I have your date of birth as ….. Is that correct? Great!

Now I know that you are probably receiving tons of mail from various companies and what I do is simplify the whole process for you. Medicare has made several changes here recently and I can tell you what medicare covers and what it doesn’t cover.

We need to get together to go over all of your options. So, what would work better for you…mornings or afternoons?"

I'm not too sure about the last sentence..."So, what would work better for you...mornings or afternoons?" I have found that this gives the client the opportunity to weasel out of the appointment, by saying "I'm pretty busy the next couple of days, I'm not too sure when I can meet you". A friend of mine uses this line..."What days to you already have committed this week". This way you put them on the spot and narrow down the available days that they can meet. What do you think?? Thanks.

No offense taken. I like what you say here about the conversational approach. You asked one clarification question first, I said two...tomato, tomatoe!!

I would definitely agree that a little dialogue before asking for the appt is good. I think the questions at the beginning do two things. In addition to getting them to say yes a couple of times, it gives a feeling that you know something about them and this isn't a random "cold call." You can usually tell in this time whether the person is open to the conversation or no. I like you don't have a written script anymore, but do something similar depending on client reaction to the earlier questions.

Biggest thing is try a few things and find what works best for you and your personality. Its art! I by no means consider myself an expert, just my .02.
Sounds good to me. Instead of mornings or afternoon, I usually say something like, I will be in your area on Wednesday, I have a 10 oclock or 2 oclock available, which works best for you???

If they say Wednesday is bad, then I will offer another day I'm in their area or if its local ask what day this week would be better. Good luck!!