Sunfire Reviews

Very rarely will I run a report with all their med's. I ask, and they always know, "Which of these are your most expensive med's?".

I run a report for those and tell them to use GoodRx or their pharmacy "club" for the rest.

Turned it around today for a client. Three low cost generics and one stupid expensive GERD med (Dexilant) she hasn't used in 2 yrs . . . but might go back on it if pantoprazole doesn't work for her.

SilverScript $7 plan spits out $0 copay for the 3 generics.

Express Script $20 plan charges $100+ for Dexilant.
They decided to roll the dice, take SilverScript for $7 and deal with Dexilant if and when she needs it.

A client & I sort of collaborated on developing a regimen like what you have done. She called to say she wanted to drop her PDP as she had financial assistance on one expensive drug, didn't need her $25 PDP. I talked her down from that ledge. We looked at the $7.30 PDP and what deals she could get on the pharmacy's club, for $36/year ($3/month). for now $10/month combined cost she has: Tier 1's are $0 copay, and maybe a GoodRx coupon if a Tier 2 shows up that isn't on the pharmacy club plan (the $7 plan $445 deductible hits at Tier 2). I have worked this out with a few clients.
Sometimes I get calls, like yesterday, husband and wife on very few meds. Why pay for a drug plan?

Both are on low premium plans. I explained if they drop the plan they could only re-enroll during AEP, pay a lifetime LEP.

He decided they would keep what they have
I refer to the $7.30 Aetna PDP plan as a "placeholder":

I know you aren't taking any RX now, so let's enroll in the least expensive plan to "hold your place in line" so that if and when you DO need an expensive RX for some medical need, you won't have a lifetime late enrollment penalty for having a gap in coverage.

I have never had anyone object to picking up the plan. I tell them to just pay the whole year in one $85 chunk and forget about it until next year. And yes, I warn them that the $7 plan will one year turn into a $17 dollar plan and that we'll stay on top if it each fall.