Teacher Agent


New Member
Hello All,

I am a full time teacher and part time real estate agent in Texas. I love teaching, but also love supplementing my income as a part time real estate agent. Most of my clients are fellow teachers and I don’t have to market or advertise. Referrals have kept me busy. But the sudden increase in interest rates has pretty much dried up that business for now.

I am looking to put to use my inactive Life, Accident, Health and HMO license. I am looking for a company that will let me work part time and that will offer the best value to my fellow teachers. Like my real estate business, I will not be doing high pressure sales and am willing to sacrifice higher commissions and fees to get my colleagues and their family members only the products they need and the best value. TIA for your input.
I am looking to put to use my inactive Life, Accident, Health and HMO license. I am looking for a company that will let me work part time and that will offer the best value to my fellow teachers. Like my real estate business, I will not be doing high pressure sales and am willing to sacrifice higher commissions and fees to get my colleagues and their family members only the products they need and the best value.

1. I hope your CE is caught up to date as you'll pay a $50 penalty for every CE credit hour you failed to complete before your license lapsed in Texas. So if you failed to complete 30 hours of CE... that's $1,500 to get your license reinstated in Texas.

2. You can be an independent agent with multiple companies instead of a career agent.

3. If you believe that this career is high pressure sales and that commissions paid to you means less value to your colleagues and family members... you need a lot more training.
3. If you believe that this career is high pressure sales and that commissions paid to you means less value to your colleagues and family members... you need a lot more training.


It's rarely "high pressure" but depending on the market you're in, it's literally no pressure.

In Medicare, for example, it's not pressure. I've had people call me and say, "I don't have a lot of time to talk.." I stop it right there and tell them to call me when you do have time.

The old high pressure close is largely dead. Consultative selling is a better business model and the business is sticker.

Years ago, the agency system was built around your F&F list. Many agencies wanted a list of 500 names (including contact information) before contracting.

Sometimes F&F are not as anxious to share information with you as you think they might be.

Don't fish in your own pond!

One of my motto's that has served me well over the years. Yes, I have placed hundreds of thousands of dollars for folks I know, but they have to bait their own hook, I don't fish in my own pond.

I do not actively seek business in my close sphere of influences. :no: They have to come looking for me.

Why? Listen to the stories where that didn't end well.

Friendships are much more important than money, I let my clients make me money, I let my friends buy me lunch. :yes:
I do not actively seek business in my close sphere of influences. :no: They have to come looking for me

This. I have people ask that are close to me about life insurance and other financial/legal advice. I don't charge them and only write them when they come to me.

Nothings worse than having your f&f rather putting their hand in a blender than talk to you.
Nothings worse than having your f&f rather putting their hand in a blender than talk to you.

I think one thing being put in the blender might actually be worse than a finger.......in a weird coincidence, I have 7 friends & family that have had hand injuries with blenders.
A surefire way to never hear from your friends or family again is to make them your prospects for insurance sales.

Any outfit pushing a project 100 or 200 or whatever list of your F&F... they are using a decades old method that didnt work then and doesnt work now.

Your f&f know what you do. They will ask if they want your services.