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Tell Your Senators to Exclude Independent Agents from the Recording Requirements

Its getting old with everyone bashing nahu. They seem to be the only ones fighting for agents. If u don't pay dues, then you're welcome for the free ride.

if you pay dues, thank you. If you know of a better org, let me know. Otherwise, stfu

I believe this is the first time I have ever posted something negative about NAHU.

Have they accomplished a ton on our behalf that I'm unaware of?

Maybe they should advertise their actual bona fide accomplishments more.
It was NOT directed at you, just in general to other agents.

If you've learned anything from my posts, or the timeliness of my posts, some of it is coming from my NAHU membership (Y Agents?). (Like this post, I don't see any other agent orgs alerting us of this new bill which doesn't effect me, but it does many others)

It's the information they provide, daily emails with articles, legislative updates, webinars, and free leads and referrals from their agent finder (which pays for itself x 3 each year alone) [EXTERNAL LINK] - NAHU | Find an Agent

Weekly update:
[EXTERNAL LINK] - NAHU Washington Update - 12/02/2022

2019 highlights of accomplishments, couldn't find later years
Now I have to record the call for a PDP with my client who never called about signing up by phone with an MAPD plan in July, (disaster SEP, no doubt, client couldn't figure out how they did it). Was not told to cancel MedSupps for both spouses, wound up with many bills and limits on physical therapy. Now they can't look for a MedSupp option, although I haven't checked to see if ARLIC and AmCon are still selling under those brands with Cigna and Aetna. Not that they could do it anyway. The client called and asked for an appointment, cancelled the first one and came in yesterday, got one plan done for one spouse, now the next one. Local agents vs phone call centers, not all of them are incompetent but many. Look, a shiny object! Never mind MOOP, etc. As Mark Twain said there is a difference between lightning and a lightning bug. Yes, will contact senators.
Now I have to record the call for a PDP with my client who never called about signing up by phone with an MAPD plan in July, (disaster SEP, no doubt, client couldn't figure out how they did it). Was not told to cancel MedSupps for both spouses, wound up with many bills and limits on physical therapy. Now they can't look for a MedSupp option, although I haven't checked to see if ARLIC and AmCon are still selling under those brands with Cigna and Aetna. Not that they could do it anyway. The client called and asked for an appointment, cancelled the first one and came in yesterday, got one plan done for one spouse, now the next one. Local agents vs phone call centers, not all of them are incompetent but many. Look, a shiny object! Never mind MOOP, etc. As Mark Twain said there is a difference between lightning and a lightning bug. Yes, will contact senators.
I'm not sure about your state, but I haven't seen ARLIC and ACI being sold for a few years.
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I'm not sure about your state, but I haven't seen ARLIC and ACI being sold for a few years.
If only they had cancelled theirs. They don't care at this point, just want out, so OK. The rates don't seem that bad by comps anyway. Good to know for others, if it comes up.
PS just took a call with this ID: VA COMM OF VCU. If you aren't from Virginia, VCU is one of the universities with a medical center/hospital.
The person said "X" from Medicare Center. I said, hmmm, the screen says VCU which stands for Virginia Commonwealth University, I wonder how that happened. *click* I wonder if that recoding gets saved.
If only they had cancelled theirs. They don't care at this point, just want out, so OK. The rates don't seem that bad by comps anyway. Good to know for others, if it comes up.
PS just took a call with this ID: VA COMM OF VCU. If you aren't from Virginia, VCU is one of the universities with a medical center/hospital.
The person said "X" from Medicare Center. I said, hmmm, the screen says VCU which stands for Virginia Commonwealth University, I wonder how that happened. *click* I wonder if that recoding gets saved.
Secret shopper. :yes:
Bill is talking about me on the NAHU bashing.

1. HAFA is the alternative and they aren’t getting it done, either.
2. I could care less about stuff getting introduced in committee. Let me know when they get anything to the floor for a vote
3. They blame Dems for everything they can’t fix and then when the GOP holds both chambers and the White House, they still can’t get anything done.
4. The recording requirements took me about 2 hours to set up and will cost $1K. That’s less than 2 new MAPD Commissions or 11 new PDPs or 20 PDP renewals. And if that’s what I have to spend to protect our seniors with dementia or even 1 disabled vet with diminished mental capacity (one of my clients who got scammed) then I will gladly pay it.

Until they get commission pulled from the MLR on ACA policies, I don’t want to hear it. They totally rolled over in 2010.

And just wait til they roll over again on AHIP for Med Supp. It’s coming, I would guess by 2025 or 2026. They are no longer a player in DC. But Bill is right, neither is anyone else.