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The Art of Selling (Final Expense) by Robert "Bo" Clark

Not to change the fascinating subject..but regarding final expense training material has anyone found anything helpful out there in internet land?
Hey Paige, wasn't this your first week out in the field? How did it go?
Hey thanks for asking actually tomorrow I am field training all day with my manager and then I will be out on Wednesday on my own right now I'm just out working on getting some referrals are actually self generated leads and that's actually going pretty well so I have some appointments lined up and I'm also waiting on some leads from lead concepts to kick in by the way I am using voice to text so please forgive the grammatical errors and lack of exclamation points
Hey thanks for asking actually tomorrow I am field training all day with my manager and then I will be out on Wednesday on my own right now I'm just out working on getting some referrals are actually self generated leads and that's actually going pretty well so I have some appointments lined up and I'm also waiting on some leads from lead concepts to kick in by the way I am using voice to text so please forgive the grammatical errors and lack of exclamation points

Good luck out there!
paige, take digfesales up on his offer to send out some scripts, objection answers. With no strings attached. I found them to be very good. He does have a wealth of information. Send him a PM.
too much testosterone for you again Bob? Would you prefer estrogen? :D LOL

If we could bring the testosterone level down a few notches, please.

As for the CONTENT of the book, it appears that, Veteran or not, he should have given the manuscript to someone to eyeball, so that the aforementioned errors could be corrected. Unfortunately, there are websites out there that will "publish" a book for you. All you have to do is submit the Word document, and BAM, there you are next to Stephen King and Maya Angelou.

As for being a Veteran of Foreign War, while I'm not a Social Worker, nor do I play one on TV, I am married to a Social Worker (LMSW), and she has told me the following, based on her 5 year tenure working in the Emergency Room at the VA, here in Atlanta. Those that have served the least, complain the most, and always try to play "victim". Those that have served the most are usually more compliant, much more humble, and take advice better.

As for the book: in most situations, any book written by a Salesperson, is nothing more than self-serving crap. I have been in the business for 16 years, and Stephen Schiffman's books are the worst. I have usually found that books that are NOT sales books (The Art of War, Atlas Shrugged, etc.) taught me more about selling and interacting with people than any, "Feel, Felt, Found" or "Wouldn't It, Shouldn't It, Couldn't It" drivel.

Just my opinion.
Not to change the fascinating subject..but regarding final expense training material has anyone found anything helpful out there in internet land?

Todd suggested finalexpense101.com and if you search for that on youtube there are some sample videos which will give you some ideas if it's worth it to you.

What about your upline? Are they not offering you any training?