WEBSITE CONTENT: Where Can I Find Free Web Content?

I currently have my web desinger creating a new and first website for our P&C Agency. Where can I find free insurance related content to add to our site?
Also, would it be better for me to write my own website content for each line of insurance?

Thanks in advance for your help.



If your trying to get to the top of the major search engines, than you'll have to either write the content yourself or have someone else write original content for you. If you copy content that is on another website, you'll be blacklisted and sent to the botton of all search results. If your not sure what to write, take examples from your top competitors and tweak it so it fits your business and personality. If your having trouble tweaking it, than pay someone to do it for you. I once had a copy writer rewrite over 10 pages of a websites content, mostly because it cost under $100 bucks and I didn't want to spend the time doing it.
For quality copy writers, go to or Make sure that you choose someone with lots of experience and native. Don't use someone with less than 4.5 starts.

Good Luck!
YouGotMyMoney said:
Let me clear this up, I do NOT offer my seo services for HIRE. I doubt there is anyone on this board willing to pony up..

Of course I know there are hundreds of different ins kw, do u not know the function of the smiley face?

I'm not hiding who I am, this is a message board, the MAJORITY post from a username, you are in the minority.... are correct most use a username. I asked you directly what your name is...I willingly shared you mine + my telephone number so you can call me if you like, or anyone on this board is welcome to call if they want to chat.

Yes, thank you for reminding me of the function of the smiley face. You see, YouGotMyMoney without any hesitation you attacked me in one of my first posts claiming that I don't know anything about SEO, when you have no facts or information about my Knowledge, or expertise in search engine optimization...

You made initial assumptions based on a cursory glimpse or glance at my website without having any clue what my focus or target is, assuming that if I Don't follow the same rules that you believe you understand in regards to search engine optimization,that I do not know what I am doing in SEO.

I can assure you that you are very much mistaken.

That's why I invited you to reach out to me Directly so I did not need to embarrass you publicly on this forum.

I'm glad you have had success in ranking a few keywords, Congratulations!

Please allow me to share some facts about my skills in organic search engine optimization:

I have over 150 page one rankings on Google for different insurance keywords. I have generated in excess of $300,000 in new business premium to my agency in Property-and casualty this year alone, and we have written around $3000 in Commissions for life insurance this year from organic lead generation. (We are not really a big life producer, but we hold top positions for Certain life-insurance keywords, Although right now we are starting to begin to work on Optimizing for life insurance.)

Our average first year commission is 15% for P&C so you can do the math. P&C is different Compared to health insurance or life insurance we get the exact same commission every time the policy renews, with an average of around 5 years retention, the $45,000 in new business Commissions that we generated so far this year in reality equals over $200,000 in future revenue for my agency.

Would you like to share your results? Perhaps you have had better results, if so share them!

If you are very skilled in SEO why would you not want to help others, and be paid for your skill?

That's why I reached out to you publicly and shared my phone number with you, there might be a thing or two I can learn. There are many Different techniques and strategies in SEO, you wrongly assumed that because I did not follow a certain type of Strategy that you may be accustomed to that I did not have any skills in this area, you are Definitely mistaken.

If you are good in SEO, why not allow others to Benefit from your expertise?

The thought to offer SEO services to other agents did not even occur to me until last year when one of my commercial lines client hired me to rank their web site, and then 2 other clients hired me to do the same thing because I am very skilled in ranking websites, then someone Suggested that I do the same thing for insurance agents, I said why would I want to do that for insurance agents that I compete against?

They Suggested work with insurance agents in areas that you do not sell insurance...and so I decided to do that.

One thing is for sure, there are many different methods for organic SEO. Some Methods that worked previously no longer work, that's why those whom are truly skilled in SEO are always testing and tweaking their strategies.

If you are really good in SEO you should offer your services to others, to not do so is a Disservice to those who Would be willing to pay to achieve results, that's why I reached out to you because I am always looking for talented folks to network with.
You see, YouGotMyMoney without any hesitation you attacked me in one of my first posts claiming that I don't know anything about SEO, when you have no facts or information about my Knowledge, or expertise in search engine optimization...

We get a lot of people who don't know what they are talking about, and just trying to make a quick buck. So we may or may not be quick on the trigger :) TO be fair, you did mention something about 1 page sites not ranking for competitive insurance terms......which is nonsense.

I'm glad you have had success in ranking a few keywords, Congratulations!

A few keywords? LOL

I have over 150 page one rankings on Google for different insurance keywords.

How many top 5 rankings do you have for kws with over 500 organic searches a mo?

If you are very skilled in SEO why would you not want to help others, and be paid for your skill?

Because I can make more from lead gen.
YouGotMyMoney said:
We get a lot of people who don't know what they are talking about, and just trying to make a quick buck. So we may or may not be quick on the trigger :) TO be fair, you did mention something about 1 page sites not ranking for competitive insurance terms......which is nonsense.

A few keywords? LOL

How many top 5 rankings do you have for kws with over 500 organic searches a mo?

Because I can make more from lead gen.

I can see that... Pulling the trigger thing. :-). (I can see how the shoot first and ask questions later works here very well)

Lets get down to some facts. (Just the facts Jack)

How much money are you making YouGotMyMoney? (From your SEO expertise)

I have generated close to $50,000 in first year commissions selling P&C insurance this year from organic lead generation Implementing my SEO Strategies. (If you know anything about P&C commissions we get the same commission each year the policy renews, with a 5 year average retention We have written the equivalent of $250,000 in revenue from my organic search engine optimization strategies this year alone.)

Making money is really the only thing that matters correct? I shared my numbers, now it's your turn... It's show and tell time, YouGotMyMoney.

Also please share with us proof that a one page static web site for a Competitive keyword term with no fresh content will rank consistently on the first page of Google, I say that it can't and won't. (With panda and penguin updates)

Prove me wrong. Give us all an example of a keyword and a One page website with a medium Competition level that ranks consistently on the first page of Google, ... it doesn't have to be one that you own.

You said it's nonsense, I agree.

Show us all please.

I'm eagerly awaiting your response.

If you do not feel like sharing your answers on the forum please call me at my office it's 513-662-7000, I can provide you the toll-free number to my office if you need the number. (We close at 5 PM, Eastern standard time feel free to call in the morning if you read this answer after hours.)
Jack. I have no woof-woof in this conversation. And you're a fellow Ohioan so I like you already.

In my 18 months in the insurance business and time on this Forum, I have noticed that the most successful folks don't provide their income, secrets or best websites. Just the way it is.

I have to go now.
How much money are you making YouGotMyMoney? (From your SEO expertise)

That's really none of your business, and your claims of income don't matter to me. I know what I've done, can do, and there are enough members here know know me and can vouch, though there's no need for them to do so, since I'm not selling a service

With that being said, I've made in more in a 3 month time span in affiliate income (surehits-brokersweb), than you have selling 250k worth of P and C insurance, if that makes you happy.

Also please share with us proof that a one page static web site for a Competitive keyword term with no fresh content will rank consistently on the first page of Google

What do you mean by consistently? because I've seen it, and ranked one page websites, for months on end, until the next Google update is rolled out.

but you want some examples? here you go:

2012-11-05_1842 - yougotmymoney's library
That's really none of your business, and your claims of income don't matter to me. I know what I've done, can do, and there are enough members here know know me and can vouch, though there's no need for them to do so, since I'm not selling a service

With that being said, I've made in more in a 3 month time span in affiliate income (surehits-brokersweb), than you have selling 250k worth of P and C insurance, if that makes you happy.

What do you mean by consistently? because I've seen it, and ranked one page websites, for months on end, until the next Google update is rolled out.

but you want some examples? here you go:

2012-11-05_1842 - yougotmymoney's library

Impossible you photo-shopped those results.
Are you suggesting that photoshoping is fake?
