What annoys you the most?

I have a weird dilemma as I completely agree with you & wish people on both political sides would call out their own party & the other party for the same things they find fault in of the opposite party. what offends us or what we praise or what we stand up for should be the same no matter what the party affiliation is of the person doing wrong or doing good.

But, then I also want to say "wait a minute, you have seemed blindly partisan on some occasions", but I digress & take that thought back as we all tend to have those moments.

Happy Thanksgiving

You bring up a really good point. Both sides have very loud (largely due to the media) but very minority extremes that seem to push everyone into the "us vs. them" mentality. Most of us are somewhere closer to the middle. Me, personally, I am pro gun, pro drug, pro woman, and I think prostitution should be legalized. I am for equal opportunity, but think equal outcome is a dangerous goal, and think free speech should be protected, even if it hurts somebody's little feelings. I think just about everyone whatever their religious, sexual, or whatever opinions or lifestyles should be able to marry or do whatever they want as long as they don't mess with me or hurt anyone else, then go for it. God bless. I lean to the right, but you gotta admit I'm pretty in the middle.

There is enough in that paragraph there that many people of all positions will agree with some things, disagree with others, and if we hold off on the name calling and below the belt jabs, we can have a good healthy discussion. Once it goes below the belt or becomes an "us vs. them" thing, then we are all screwed.
When I was in the Air Force in the early 60s we hosted a Desert Strike exercise at Nellis AFB in Nevada. They brought in a bunch of snake eaters wearing cocked bush hats with AF emblems. They were AF Commandos. I had never heard of them before but they were Seal Team tough. Their primary mission was forward air control behind enemy lines. Don't know if the unit still exists by that name.
Think that's TACP now.
When driving on the road stop to get gas and bathroom run up to go inside because have to hit the head

then when I get to door all these signs say mask required

run back to the car get a mask

but then when I go inside no one has masks on
Not a great deal annoys me anymore.

Off the top of my head = Dipshits parking in handicapped parking that are not authorized. Or the hatched area. I am pretty sure it annoys them when I loudly call them out on it.
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Do you do this before you have coffee or after?

Man I really got to stop drunk talk to texting.

Should have said == ""Not a great deal annoys me anymore.

Off the top of my head = Dipshits parking in handicapped parking that are not authorized. Or the hatched area. I am pretty sure it annoys them when I loudly call them out on it.""

But yeah, I am pretty crotchety before and after coffee. I guess not a lot of people annoy me but I annoy a lot of people. And i am good with that :realmad: