Who Would Be Agent of Record In This Scenario ?

take a moment to think about this, if you could just replace plans with the same plan you would be putting to much effort into saving your own book instead of writing new business.
Common sense people.

he's talking about a plan that has not yet taken effect. He's not talking about a plan for an an already existing member. I reason that Agent B's app is a separate successful transaction with an app that takes effect sooner. since it's the first one to take effect, that's the one who gets the bacon, not the "johnny come lately app" (Agent A).
he's talking about a plan that has not yet taken effect. He's not talking about a plan for an an already existing member. I reason that Agent B's app is a separate successful transaction with an app that takes effect sooner. since it's the first one to take effect, that's the one who gets the bacon, not the "johnny come lately app" (Agent A).

The application for the UHC MA plan to be effective 1/1/13 was already approved.When I went to this appointment prospect failed to tell me that he had applied online and was approved for a UHC MA plan before he had talked to me or Humana agent.All I was told is that a Humana angent enrolled him in a MA plan for a 1/1/13 effective and that prior to that he only had medicare and humana pdp.
So I take an application for UHC to be effective 1/1/13 and later that day I see in my UHC agent portal my application was canceled because he was already a UHCmember.The question came about because since the prospect really liked the plan and had LIS I was going to enroll him with for a 12/1/12 effective date with UHC if there was a chance of me being compensated for doing so.Turns out prosepect didn't want to change for 12/1/12

Prospects said he withdrew the Humana application otherwise the Humana application would have knocked him off UHC plan opening the door for me to do an actual enrollment.

Unbelievable that someone wouldn't think it would be important to tell the agent -" oh by the way i enrolled myself online and was approved for this plan your driving 30 miles to my house to sign me up on".
With UHC the commission always stays with the original AOR on internal exchanges, if I recall correctly the AOR does change but the comp stays with agent A. Appears in this situation it was canceled as a duplicate application, but had it made it through to issue agent A would keep getting paid and agent B would be the AOR for the purpose of client servicing etc..