Nov 19, 2014

Open Enrollment Starts tomorrow... and so does January Bonus Bucks!

Sell 5. Earn $500
Five issued policiesa=a$500!*

Individual Major Medical Bonus for New Policies sold to members in

Payable to the agent

Sell at least five Individual Major Medical policies either on or off the Health Insurance Marketplace or the state exchange and receive a one-time $500 bonus. All applications for the issued policies must be submitted between November 15 and December 15, 2014, with an effective date of 1/1/15.*
If you don't think your clients are more educated than a do it yourself client, then you need to find a new line of work, as you must not be providing any value.

I agree with ameneses54 your not very nice on this and sound like your from Manhattan


What do you mean "deserves what they get", are you insinuating that the do it yourself application available online for the population (which does not mention MAGI) anywhere, is purposely elaborated to affect those who don't use an agent? Your statement is malicious and pompous!

Your E/O does not cover tax related questions so if your giving out advice your screwed
ACAExpress does not work as shown in the demo and although is more cost effective than most competitors does not completely avoid going through and I get the app done just as quick with a screen share and save a butt load of $$$$. Just my opinion though...
ACAExpress does not work as shown in the demo and although is more cost effective than most competitors does not completely avoid going through and I get the app done just as quick with a screen share and save a butt load of $$$$. Just my opinion though...

smartest man on the forum... thats why i think acaexpress sucks... and look at the aca cheerleaders come doing the aca ra ra
"First, at the redirect to when using the Agent Facing site (i.e. from the New Applicant Link in your Dashboard) click on New Application, you are tied to it via the NPN you provided when you set up your ACAExpress account. Second, our platform still provides that you skip the client account creation process which is a huge time saver.

I can tell you that literally thousands of agents have submitted 10's of thousands of applications through to completion and all of them are tied to the NPN."

I have no problems so far with the process. Just a pity some of the enhancements came at the end of the first enrollment.

I'm not sure how many agents had issues with their NPN's being transferred to the carrier but on a lot of mine I was told I am not the Broker of Record. I used three methods of submission this year due to a glitch on the three web broker sites that I checked out this year. I did enrollments with, 3-way call enrollments and ACA web broker portal enrollments. In some cases my information transferred to the carrier but there were applications submitted using all of the methods where my information was dropped. Most carriers are willing to accept an AOR form but one of them said it is something the Marketplace needs to fix. CMS says that it is fixable by the QHP or carrier. For those who exclusively used ACA Express or other web brokers to submit your business what was the success rate of the carrier actually telling you that your agent information was attached to your clients application? Mine was less than 15%. It may have got to CMS but the carrier did not get the memo. Working to fix this but business was great this year. Once the pay catches up with enrollments I'll be 100% satisfied. :yes:

I'm attaching a list of approved web broker for those who may not have seen it before.


  • Public-2015-WebBrokerE-List-508.pdf
    80.4 KB · Views: 31
Anyone getting calls from ACA Express? They have now called me 3 times and never leave a message. I have called back twice and left messages both times. Crazy back and forth and totally frustrating that they never leave a message.
Anyone getting calls from ACA Express? They have now called me 3 times and never leave a message. I have called back twice and left messages both times. Crazy back and forth and totally frustrating that they never leave a message.

Not sure why no message left and since do not have a way to connect your user name here to info on our end cannot provide more info.

We did recently have a marketing initiative which may be part. In any event, Payton McDill would be the one to reach out to, you can call her at 888.668.3909 x111 or PM me here.
