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All the Same - 360, EFES, FEX..

Agents who fail out usually just aren’t working the way they need to. They are either trying to cut corners on leads. Or they just change the presentation to things thst are more comfortable to them. They put importance on the wrong things.

I can’t think of any recent agent that has failed out with us that was recording their appointments and working toward improving the things that they need to change.

I’ve heard some real bad recordings. But it seems like the agents that take that step ARE always the ones that are focused on improving. It’s a real ego-killer to record your failures and put them out there for your mentor to critique. But it’s one of the best training tools you can do if you want to get better.

Role playing or watching someone else present can be helpful on your early training. But if you are past that, record yourself on real appointments. Then review it with one or more agents that are higher skilled than you are.