Brand New Agent!

The cost of your "curiosity got the best of me" is that your integrity is shot. Your word has no value and can't be trusted. Nobody will take you seriously anymore (if they did in the first place).

"No one is gonna take me seriously on an anonymous internet message board! Oh whatever shall I do???" :swoon:

That's okay. I contribute more substance to this forum in my 1700 posts than you do in all 8300 of yours. My posts stand on their own.

Your posts are weaving a tapestry of your own miserable life and don't help anybody... from the ones I've bothered to read.


BTW, I was only able to tell that you posted because you were (at the moment) the last poster in the thread.

You can always tell who the last poster was... then you click on it and you can't read it.
Thanks for the great suggestion re: finding a retired agent. We have SCORE here and I'll check with them next week! Not sure what you are referring to i.e. "You might start by purchasing some of these products yourself. I bet if you are putting your hard earned dollars into them you will want to know what they mean and do."

You tend to sell what you know. For example: if you own a 250k 20 yr term policy I bet you will sell a ton of those. It is what you know. If you own a 1million 30 year term a 250k UL with LTC rider and a 50k whole life & a long term DI policy. I bet you will sell a bunch of all of them. Same thing in property and casualty sales. If you own what you push you will sell more of them. You have personal experience and clients can see your passion. They can tell you put your money where your mouth is. Do not make the mistake of feeling like you have to know all the moving parts of all these policies. You will fail and go broke. That's why we have MGA's and underwriters. All you need to know is what questions to ask and how to interpret their answers. Then you can go back and design a case to propose. This business is all about asking questions, listening to answers and writing down the response. People need to be told they need insurance and why. Often clients run out to their agent to insure their tangible items: cars homes toys etc... They forget to insure their income. We do this with savings, health ins. , disability ins, and life insurance. Now I can't help you save money but I can help insure you can keep it. Set an appointment to start with the most important one and schedule the others out every six months until you have insured them all.

Again. Very important. Don't get stuck in product download phase. You will go out of business. You will become a theologian with out any faith. Learn the basics and start setting appointments.