California this week further expanded free health coverage to include all undocumented immigrants.

bust Unions,

Interesting read on illegal immigrants, Cesar Chavez and unions . . .

"It is claimed that illegals cause high unemployment of residents; that they oppose the formation of unions; that they drain residents' incomes by adding to welfare costs; that they add to the tax burden by needing special programs."

"These are fake claims," he argued. " not create unemployment of Chicanos, employers desiring to pay the lowest possible wages do."

In 1971, for example, a former LULAC president testified before Congress about the divide on immigration. He said that Mexican Americans were "torn between two desires, the desire to be good to our brothers who come from across the border and suffer so much when they are here trying to get ahead, and our desire to have those that are here as citizens advance in our society and become better adjusted to American life with the benefits of American life."

From when he co-founded United Farm Workers in 1962 with Dolores Huerta, Chavez took a hard line on illegal immigration. He thought employers would use undocumented workers as strike breakers, and that temporary workers would undermine the wages of Mexican American residents and citizens. He even reported some undocumented workers to immigration authorities, Gutiérrez writes.

And I live in Texas, I assure you there IS an invasion here. Just because the facts don't fit into your desired outcome and narrative doesn't mean they're not true. In other words, thinking with your emotions will only get you so far in life. But, be my guest. Speaking of guests, you love the illegals so much be the first to open up your doors.

As it happens, I rented a room in my house out about 8 years ago to an undocumented human, he just got back from two tours in Iraq and was working on his citizenship.
Interesting read on illegal immigrants, Cesar Chavez and unions . . .

"It is claimed that illegals cause high unemployment of residents; that they oppose the formation of unions; that they drain residents' incomes by adding to welfare costs; that they add to the tax burden by needing special programs."

"These are fake claims," he argued. " not create unemployment of Chicanos, employers desiring to pay the lowest possible wages do."

In 1971, for example, a former LULAC president testified before Congress about the divide on immigration. He said that Mexican Americans were "torn between two desires, the desire to be good to our brothers who come from across the border and suffer so much when they are here trying to get ahead, and our desire to have those that are here as citizens advance in our society and become better adjusted to American life with the benefits of American life."

From when he co-founded United Farm Workers in 1962 with Dolores Huerta, Chavez took a hard line on illegal immigration. He thought employers would use undocumented workers as strike breakers, and that temporary workers would undermine the wages of Mexican American residents and citizens. He even reported some undocumented workers to immigration authorities, Gutiérrez writes.

Yeah, a while back I watched a piece on coal mines, unions and the Irish in Appalachia. It gave me a different perspective on the origins of Unions. The original Unions seemed much more about workers than political power.

In my younger years I was against the UFW. I live in the San Joaquin Valley. However, I was wrong. It was much needed to protect workers from some horrible conditions.

Now, I am probably more against Unions and pro worker. They are not exclusive.

Immigrants - Sadly they will slay our home grown workers by just being hungrier and out working them in the labor fields. But they won't stay hourly, they are going to be about piece work and starting small businesses. They are also going to raise their children that if they make a living out of a work truck, own the truck and crew. Watch the second and third generations. No quite quiters, those types stayed in their home countries.

We need workers. However, we need to vett and choose who is allowed into our home.
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As it happens, I rented a room in my house out about 8 years ago to an undocumented human, he just got back from two tours in Iraq and was working on his citizenship.

That should be instant citizenship.

You renting him a room and him having the Testicular Fortitude to serve our country is what, you showing you distantly know an illegal and a Vet? Virtue signaling?
How many illegal families are you housing today?
That should be instant citizenship.

You renting him a room and him having the Testicular Fortitude to serve our country is what, you showing you distantly know an illegal and a Vet? Virtue signaling?
How many illegal families are you housing today?

I agree, it should be instant citizenship.. I am glad we agree on something.

And I am definitely not virtue signaling, I was responding to someone telling me to open my door to an undocumented person, which I have in the past and would again in the future.