Child ID Events for Getting Leads


New Member
Hosting Child ID events is a great way to get new life insurance leads. I do these all the time. You can buy child id kits online, they are pretty expensive but you will definitely make your money back.

These can be set up at day cares. basically you tell them you want to do a community service event and have a free child id event at their school one a day where all the parents and kids will be there. Parents like this because its a great idea and all about child safety, and on the forms that they fill out, they can indicate and check off if they want some life insurance information.

You just give the parents a call a few days later and set up an appointment. If you can get good at these and do like 2 every month it can be a great way to get some more sales.
Hosting Child ID events is a great way to get new life insurance leads. I do these all the time. You can buy child id kits online, they are pretty expensive but you will definitely make your money back.

These can be set up at day cares. basically you tell them you want to do a community service event and have a free child id event at their school one a day where all the parents and kids will be there. Parents like this because its a great idea and all about child safety, and on the forms that they fill out, they can indicate and check off if they want some life insurance information.

You just give the parents a call a few days later and set up an appointment. If you can get good at these and do like 2 every month it can be a great way to get some more sales.

As a parent, who takes their kid to the zoo, last thing I want to do is take them by the Prudential, or MetLife booth, to get my kid finger printed, then have the agent call me later...Worst thing about this, professionals have the parents fill out a card indicating they wish for a picture of the event to be sent back to them, but they get a sales call back instead...Thanks, but no thanks...Sleazy way to sneak in a sales opportunity..If you want to do good for the community, just do the finger printing activity...
I ran into someone doing this at a bowling alley. I didn't take the time to see why they wanted my kids fingerprints but there is no way I would do it. Seems like a scam waiting to happen.
Its a great service, and the parents love it. They always thank me. A child id is great to have in case of an emergency, and its completely voluntary. the parents who want one are the ones who sign up. And when i contact a parent because they want information on what we offer to protect the family, i hardly think im being sleazy, but thank you for that... I believe im doing a great service for these families in a number of different ways. Child safety is a big concern to parents and i believe i am helping by offering this service. you're entitled to your opinion. I do disagree though.
Its a great service, and the parents love it. They always thank me. A child id is great to have in case of an emergency, and its completely voluntary. the parents who want one are the ones who sign up. And when i contact a parent because they want information on what we offer to protect the family, i hardly think im being sleazy, but thank you for that... I believe im doing a great service for these families in a number of different ways. Child safety is a big concern to parents and i believe i am helping by offering this service. you're entitled to your opinion. I do disagree though.

Child safety is great, and I commend you for doing this service...Just do it without trying to sling life insurance to everyone...I bet if you did this, and didn't have them fill out a form to be contacted, you would strike up a few meaningful conversations...Most people do not like to be "sold" at events such as ball games, zoo's etc.
Some parents think its important and they really appreciate it. Ive been able to help a lot of families doing these. just an idea
Some parents think its important and they really appreciate it. Ive been able to help a lot of families doing these. just an idea

agreed it helps alot of families...Now use that mindset without trying to sell people product...Do good for your community, and your community will do good for you...No shame in doing a selfless deed