Common Situation with Direct Mail Leads

Use a card that has the words "LIFE INSURANCE" on the card.

You return will be less, but you will get less tire kickers.

Lead Connection has a card that says Life Insurance

I've searched the forum, but haven't found defiant answers. How's your experience been with lead connection, using their FE mailers? I know everyone's thoughts will differ, but to the guys out there that use them, I'd appreciate any input.

If I've overlooked previous threads with lead connection feedback, a link would be appreciated. No need to beat the dead dog, if it's been discussed and im just not finding it. Thanks in advance!
The best way to find the answers is to do do it....

Spend some money, buy some leads and have some success and failures, like everyone else.
I usually ask if they remember sending in the card right at the beginning of my script after I say so I am and why I am calling. It's the first question I ask. Even if they tell me they don't remember, that question about who it's for is my next question and most of the time they will tell me, even if they can't sending it in.

Speaking of which, if they say they don't remember sending in the card, I say, "I apologize. We have had so many people respond for info on our programs that it has taken me a while to get back to everyone. Was this something you need for you or someone else?"

If you give them a chance to say "they don't remember sending the card in" you just created an unnecessary hurdle/objection to jump over to get to the finish line (the check in your hand).

Just assume they remember mailing the card back. If they still say they don't remember sending the card back, just say "I understand, we get so much mail nowadays, anyway, I have your information for you, may I come in please"? Also flash the card in front of them so they can recognize the handwriting.
If you give them a chance to say "they don't remember sending the card in" you just created an unnecessary hurdle/objection to jump over to get to the finish line (the check in your hand).

Just assume they remember mailing the card back. If they still say they don't remember sending the card back, just say "I understand, we get so much mail nowadays, anyway, I have your information for you, may I come in please"? Also flash the card in front of them so they can recognize the handwriting.

If the question is phrased right, you don't get a lot of "I don't remember sending the card in" but yet you get to the heart of the person's interest.

JD phrases it better but the question should be phrased, "I have found that most folks send the card in because they either have no burial insurance, or they have some and know they need some additional coverage or they have some but want to make sure they are getting the very best deal possible. Which is your situation?"

You are not even saying they sent the card in.. you are just stating why other people have sent cards in... so it reduces the "I didn't send the card in" to almost none" it also helps with the "I just wanted to get some information".. 'That's fine.. Then you do have some burial insurance now?"

While I have run a few lead cards I am no expert at it but I used the same thing whenever I set appointments or was canvasing .. Once I was invited in the house, I would say, "Most people I meet with agree to talk with me because they........."

The tools may vary but the process is the same..
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Use a card that has the words "LIFE INSURANCE" on the card.

You return will be less, but you will get less tire kickers.


There are 2 ways to mail. The standard card about social security that provides little info but perks their interest. You will get higher returns on this but they won't be very sold on life insurance immediately. The other option is a more detailed card that specifically mentions life insurance. You will get less responses but the returned cards will be easier leads.

Depending on the type of salesman you are, right now it sounds like the 2nd option would be more to your liking. When you get more experience and more comfort, then the 1st option is usually better because you there are more responses and you can turn those tire kickers into buyers.