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Direct Mail to T65? Worth it??

I see it's focused on Life Insurance. Did you find the info to be transferable?

With Medicare, you're always going up against CMS, Medicare.gov, and all sorts of non-profits with higher authority than you.

You have to come at content creation from a different angle.

For example, I did a case study for Plan F vs Plan G cost difference for my state.

Or I answer the question, "Can Medicare take my home?"

I have the Part A and B talk too, but I try not to compete with questions that are answered by the government.

Otherwise, it's basic internet marketing.

I recently opted to work with Jeff's Agency for FE to open the door for Medicare. You can't really beat his lead costs.

It's also part of my contingency plan in the even M4A eliminates us.
You’ll get better numbers doing 6,7 and 8 months out. They will get your card 3x.
I stopped doing DM this year but it was still worth it. I averaged about 3% response using those months.

Just make sure you have a good follow up system in place. 8 month out clients I would see right away, call to check up on them 6-8 weeks later and then the month before their 3 month window.
I spent about $1k month and brought in 3-4K from them alone.

So chazm if an agent is first starting out and they where to use those numbers. But they increase it to $3k, shouldn't an agent be able to live off of that and is it realistic.
I followed Chazm’s style until early 2020. I was mailing about 3,000 T65 so spending about $1,500/month.

it was profitable but it was definitely a grind.

Mailing 6,000 business reply cards would be a lot of work and a lot of organization because most of your sales will be 2 appointments.

Also, commissions won’t be consistent for 6-8 months from the time you start. So it’s not spending $3k this month to get $8k back next month. You need to have 6-8 months of marketing spend saved up using this strategy.
So chazm if an agent is first starting out and they where to use those numbers. But they increase it to $3k, shouldn't an agent be able to live off of that and is it realistic.

Those numbers probably aren’t realistic anymore. I couldn’t imagine ever going back to DM again.
I used to get 3-5% return and from what I’m hearing it’s closer to 1-2% now.

I now spend $2k month, $1k on webinars and $1k on library seminars. All T65’s. You can get 10-20 sales a month that way.
Those numbers probably aren’t realistic anymore. I couldn’t imagine ever going back to DM again.
I used to get 3-5% return and from what I’m hearing it’s closer to 1-2% now.

I now spend $2k month, $1k on webinars and $1k on library seminars. All T65’s. You can get 10-20 sales a month that way.

If your mailing t-65 incomes 40-$100 k you’ll be lucky to get .5 return . If you call your leads 12 times over 3 days maybe 40-50% will answer . With dm at $539/1000 that’s $107 a lead . Obviously that’s not going to work .
If your mailing t-65 incomes 40-$100 k you’ll be lucky to get .5 return . If you call your leads 12 times over 3 days maybe 40-50% will answer . With dm at $539/1000 that’s $107 a lead . Obviously that’s not going to work .

The return will depend on the location you're mailing to.
I'm doing quite a few things. DM is one of them. In Mi, everyone says return for DM is higher than other states. Not anymore from what I can see. Still been quite profitable and still doing it. Had just a mere 1000 nicely designed Beta program cards go out appx three weeks ago, received ONE back so far (disconnected #, so have to pull a DonP roll up if I want to engage that one). The last 1000 just prior (different company, more generic) got 6/7 back (did write 3 deals out of that and a few more referrals lined up). It's a crapshoot.

What I'm doing today, all day is T65 locator. I learned this here first, just didn't utilize it bc I forgot about it for a minute. Our org is all on top of it now....

10 calls on one day last week netted 3 appts. We shall see but seems like a good option as well, but only for people who don't mind outbound phone calls. Not my favorite thing to do, but once I get going its going for the day...part of my early days training was 300 phone calls every Monday...it worked. Of course things changed, but seems like calls are working for some again. No one loves phone calls, but for me today, necessary evil.
I'm from Ohio, not allowed to cold call or door knock. I am captive through UHC. I have a fairly healthy book with DSNP clients, but feeling a little burnt out there, plus retention has been challenging lately.

Just saw this part, guess the above T65 locator not helpful for you...anyway...DM seems like a crapshoot these days, but in a good batch can be quite lucrative. My first batch of 3000 (1000T65/2000 low income) did produce a good return but I did have to work the H$$$ out of them equipped with getting as many referrals as I could.

Ive heard good things about Scotts T65 Inbounds too, and am looking forward to that but not there yet...still wanting faster returns and only so much Mrktg dollars to go around.
Ive heard good things about Scotts T65 Inbounds too, and am looking forward to that but not there yet...still wanting faster returns and only so much Mrktg dollars to go around.

I'm a stranger on the internet so take it for what it's worth. But every mistake I've made was thinking short term and trying to do something quickly.

One example was getting internet leads for the few weeks before my direct mail leads would come in during my first few months buying leads. I didn't have a plan on working them and it was a total flop.

Don't get me wrong, I've wasted money on other marketing attempts too but I few those more as lessons :)