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How Many Leads Do You Average a Week? What's Your Average Closing Ratio?

Re: How Many Leads Do You Average a Week? What's Your Average Closing Ratio? (Share if you want)

I know this will be different with everybody, and how many leads you get/close is up to you.

But I would like to hear what some people are averaging, what their goals are, what their methods of getting leads is, etc.

Thank you.

Years ago, I used to keep these kinds of stats.

Now I'm too busy meeting with prospects and sending in apps

I hope this was helpful.
well aren't you something special:1rolleyes:

You are a cocky little dude arent ya?

You get TONS and TONS of free advice on here and want to bash these guys trying to help you......

Who wants Aflac anyways, Colonial product is better and cheaper from what I hear.......

By the way, glad to see you apparently used your real name, do you think Aflac people dont read this forum??
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Does AFLAC now allow their logo on personal websites and name in domains? Or, are they now giving all their sales agents websites?
In reality, the number of leads worked a week doesn't really matter. The process you use to work the leads is what matters.

This assumes of course, you feed your process with enough leads......

A few examples....

If you buy internet leads and really work them, you can probably only work 5 new leads a day. You need to follow up with previous ones, circle back to last weeks, last months, etc.

If you telemarket, if you dial by hand, you can probably only work 150 or so leads a day long term. You have followups from previous days to do.

If you telemarket, use a dialer, you can probably work 400 or so leads a day (more if calling consumers), but every phone answered will slow you down (this is a good thing).

If you are working referrals, you might get 2 a day on an excellent day (I'm talking qualified referrals). It takes a lot of work to develop the referral source.

If you do direct mail, its whatever the budget allows. You better plan this with a telemarket campaign though, not by itself.

So, the method used and the overall process, and to some degree, the budget dictates the amount of leads per day / per week / per month that are done. The number of leads are meaningless when they go into the funnel, its after the leads are qualified and have expressed some form of interest that the number starts to become meaningful.

Does AFLAC now allow their logo on personal websites and name in domains? Or, are they now giving all their sales agents websites?

Probaly not, he doesnt know what rules and regulations are for Aflac yet:goofy::no:
I average 2-3 new leads weekly and close about 75% of those.

They're all referrals. I've built up my business by defining the market I want to work in, marketing to them effectively, and asking them for referrals to people who are in a similar situation and are like-minded. It works well, minimizes the time that I spend "prospecting," and allows me the freedom to do what I want instead of working. It also allowed my wife to walk away from a job that paid her $80K annually plus full benefits plus annual bonus of 10-20% of salary so she could start up a business.

But it's taken me 7 years to get to that point. Now that I'm here, I'm obsessed with staying there.

The point is, most of us who are successful didn't get here overnight. We're also intelligent enough to listen to the successful people on the forum when they offer solid advice. I'm interested to see where good ol' Robert Brown is in 6 months to a year.
It's not worth arguing about. We're adults here. At least one of us can act like it.

I joined this forum because it has tons of helpful information. But if you're not interested in being helpful, and instead more interested in proving a "newbie" wrong, or being rude because you can, then I have no interest in you.

I should have known this topic was going to create some heat. Which is NOT my intention.:swoon:

Dan, thanks. That makes sense. I will be using a dialer, most likely salesdialer.com. And I will be buying leads from stellarprospects.com

I will also get 3-5 referrals from each prospect I meet with, sale or no sale.
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"I will also get 3-5 referrals from each prospect I meet with, sale or no sale."

That's impressive. I never asked for a referral in 31 years in the business. I'm not proud of it but I could never bring myself to do it.