How Many Times Did It Take You to Pass Your Test???

Mark, how times did you have to take the driver's test? Did you bribe the examiner?:skeptical:

I cant help the fact that I hit my dad's new truck two times within 2 months...

I did get me a brand new Nissan Last Night..Life is good..
First time for L&H and Series 6...

When I took my L&H exam there were 2 woman taking the P&C exam for the 3rd and 4th times and they only needed to take a portion of it...I still completed my exam first.....

I have thought about P&C 4 times and have picked up the book and started to read it and every time as soon as I hit inland marine insurance its off to sleepy land for me...I don't get it both books L&H, Series 6 and P&C where written by the same companies are all somewhat dry but for me I just can't get interested enough in the P&C to finish reading it...I devoured the L&H book in a day.
First time. I study for 100% and then accept passing. Her problem is probably not reading the questions word for word.
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The test has NOTHING to do with having knowledge as an agent. This makes it tough!

For me, the P&C test was harder than the Life/Health. Mostly because there is a LOT more territory they ask about. Very little of the test had to do with every day home and auto insurance, but more about inland marine, aviation and alien carriers.

Here is the thing though, with every insurance / securities test you take, if in doubt, pick the answer that best protects the consumer. Okay, not all P&C questions have this as an option, but it helps a LOT on the test to think of it this way.

How many times did it take you to pass your Insurance Lic Test?

My sister Mandy has failed her P and C test twice and I'm trying to show her that a lot of people don't pass the test the 1st time.

I failed my test the 1st time because I didnt study and I thought I knew it all. How many times did it take you to pass your test?

I have taken L&H once each in different states and four (4) securities exams and I passed all 6 exams on the first try. I had 5 scores in the 90's and one that was 75.
First time. I went through an online company called test-teachers. They offer all the classes needed for L&H&A, P&C, all the securities exams, really, really good.