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Independent Agent Business Cards


NE Ohio
I've got to get some business cards printed up so at least I can appear to be somewhat professional :goofy:

Any suggestions as to what I should put on them,besides the obvious?

If I'm going to have several different insurance companies in my hip pocket,is that something I should make a point of on my cards? Should I utilize the back of the card? Should it be somewhat bland or should it have colors to make it stand out? Should it have my photo? Should it be super gloss? Should I have a catchy slogan? Should I list a few of the companies I will be representing? Should I use my true home address or should I use the address of a service (UPS Store type thing)?

I'm really not sure which way to go with it.

Collect business cards. Don't hand them out... unless you are delivering a policy or concluding a meeting.

If you're going to be independent... why would you list your companies?

YOU are the "company"! You need to promote YOU and no one else.

Here's a clue about your card: no one cares. It's true!

Make them what you want and move on.

Maybe 1 in 1,000 (and I'm being generous) may call you because of your card.
From "similar threads" below,I found

this from xrac Branding blunders: business cards - Articles - Employee Benefit Adviser

and this from maksim
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Collect business cards. Don't hand them out... unless you are delivering a policy or concluding a meeting.

If you're going to be independent... why would you list your companies?

YOU are the "company"! You need to promote YOU and no one else.

Here's a clue about your card: no one cares. It's true!

Make them what you want and move on.

Maybe 1 in 1,000 (and I'm being generous) may call you because of your card.

Thanks DHK. These are exactly the ideas I'm looking for!!
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Thanks DHK!!

These are exactly the sort of ideas and suggestions I'm looking for.
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I always prefer the slick cards with a PROFESSIONAL photo. I do get calls and referals off my cards but I give out a whole lot of them.
My 2 cents.

Do not cheap out on the paper. I use a heavy coated paper. Especially if these are going primarily to clients, referrals and mailings. I do not care for high gloss or flashy colors, to artsy for me.

I would not put my home address on the card. Unless you want people showing up at 7am Sunday morning. Same for home or cell numbers. If you want business calls to your cell, you can always forward your business line.

I use the - Independent agent since 1985 - as my title line. I think Frank uses _Your Insurance Agent - I like that also. I use that on the reply on my envelopes.

Lastly, have a sturdy card case. You do not want to hand out a card with curled dirty corners.

On a different note. I see my magnate cards in senior's homes fairly regular.
I use to put a cheat sheet for 15% tips on the back of my business cards. I thought more client would keep my card....
Mark, I've got an idea. Show the figures for 20% and add a formula for calculating 15%. For example: Compute 10% and then divide that number by 2. Add the 10% and the result of the division for the answer to 15%. It's called "Math for Dummies."
Mark, I've got an idea. Show the figures for 20% and add a formula for calculating 15%. For example: Compute 10% and then divide that number by 2. Add the 10% and the result of the division for the answer to 15%. It's called "Math for Dummies."

Here in The Peoples Republic of Kalifornia. Take the tax - 9% Xs 2 and round up.