Insurance Website Designers.

Couldn't agree more. Some things are very easy to change with one developer but a complete nightmare through others. This is why I really make sure people don't just up and buy theme through, for example, the Theme Zoo (theme forest) without me doing a lot of research first.
Correct. For people who know what they are doing its a great thing but I just ran out of hours to mess with tweaking my theme. I want the easy, middle-the-road expense way to do it. It's not the inexpensive Wordpress, me hosting or the expensive new website, me hosting. I will evaluate and let everyone know how this change went.
just one question.....what kind of insurance are you plan on marketing.....
You are correct.....

and have it set to were they are required to put in number and birth date and soon as the rates come up you get an instant email.....had a health lead come in yesterday and was talking to him while he was looking at the rates on my site...2 hours later family of 4 issued by humana one....