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Is anyone going to the Convention (National Agents Alliance) (NAA

Steve said:
Actually, in some trailer parks you have to walk quite a distance to get from the common parking area to the correct door.


How is it you know so much about trailer park layouts?
This looked like so much fun I just had to jump in.

After you pass away, it does not matter how big your house was, what kind of car you drove, or what brand of suits you had. What matters are the values and morals you passed on to your family and friends.

I do not know why but this all reminded me of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. Great book. It is a must read!
The irony is the richest people I know personally are also the most miserable. I'm not saying that you're happy if you're broke either, but there's a lot to be said for making $100,000, managing is properly, living below your income and actually having money to play with.
midwestbroker said:
This looked like so much fun I just had to jump in.

After you pass away, it does not matter how big your house was, what kind of car you drove, or what brand of suits you had. What matters are the values and morals you passed on to your family and friends.

I do not know why but this all reminded me of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. Great book. It is a must read!

I read it, its a great book!
john_petrowski said:
The irony is the richest people I know personally are also the most miserable. I'm not saying that you're happy if you're broke either, but there's a lot to be said for making $100,000, managing is properly, living below your income and actually having money to play with.


If I'm not mistaken, you live in a liberal blue state. I've heard that blue state people like to have wealth but feel guilty about it. If that is true, I can understand why they would be miserable. I live in a blue state as well but every rich person I know goes to church on a regular basis and they are the happiest people I know.
I think what you're gonna see dvd935, is that without renewals your life is gonna be "Groundhog Day." Where will you be 10 years from now? Running around on appointments all day. Or even worse, you'll be a NAA manager and actually making less then if you were a high producer with 5 times the headaches. It's a burn out job.
I agree that nothing can beat a healthy book of renewals. Life would be wonderful if you can just walk away from the job and go to Hawaii for a week if you want to. However, in the begining bills have to get paid so breathing room can be created. When there is time to breath, it's easier to see and set your life on a better course.
dvd493 wrote:


How is it you know so much about trailer park layouts?

Sorry. Couldn't help myself. I have no personal issues with NAA -- Just the information gathered from these forums.