Re: Mass. sues Mega

Yeah, it doesn't look very good when an agent cannot get a copy of the specimen policy. GR had the audacity to tell me to have a client make a copy of theirs and give it to me. HaHa, now why I didn't think about that?
Re: Mass. sues Mega

I can't imagine why any insurance company wouldn't want their agents to actually see what they're selling. The brochure is not the policy. At least in GR's case the policy comes to the agent and we can at least read it.
Re: Mass. sues Mega

Hmmmm, forged applications, forged riders, putting a lot of newbie business under them to pump up fake numbers, telling clients "just fill out the app to see if you qualify," leaving the brochure at home and just selling off the DigiQuote print out, $300 R&B with critical care, dental and premier membership to pump up QPC, am I missing anything?
Re: Mass. sues Mega

Hmmmm, forged applications, forged riders, putting a lot of newbie business under them to pump up fake numbers, telling clients "just fill out the app to see if you qualify," leaving the brochure at home and just selling off the DigiQuote print out, $300 R&B with critical care, dental and premier membership to pump up QPC, am I missing anything?

With those guys no, but myself and some of the more ethical reps who rarely sold the Health Choice/scheduled plans used to get pretty pissed off that our reputation was being tarnished by default because of their actions. We tried to make the best of selling the HSA and regular Signature plans and/or better of the Custom Care plans and honestly there were customers who were generally happy with them. I still get calls from previous Mega clients who are not unhappy with what they had but instead panic stricken because of negative press about the company. It's easy as pie to then replace these customers of course!

The thing with Mega is, if they wanted their place in the market to be selling lower cost, scheduled or limited plans for those who can't afford any better, fine. I have no problem with that. The issue is that the higher ups, and down to the training managers, want reps to force customers to buy their plans no matter what their situation is, and they do so by pumping up ancillary benefits that essentially suck. The notion that most customers a Mega rep meets with are good prospects for what they sell is insane. I convinced myself that those after more catastrophic plans would be well served by Mega, and even though some have been happy, had I known how much more competitive the rest of the marketplace was I would never had stayed so long.

They'll get what they deserve in the end...
Re: Mass. sues Mega

I've tried to find it, but is Mega1 part of this whole thing? I don't see how it could be different. I lost a prospect, sadly, to Mega1 a while back (then again, I was at UA...go figure). Wouldn't mind getting in touch with him to alert him that Mega1 is part of the same messed up gig...

Any input?
Re: UGA/Mega to change name

Talked to a recruiter today for the Senior Market. They called themselves Health Markets. HealthMarkets Home Then he said he worked for Alliance and Mid-West and finally Mega. They are getting into the MA market for 2008. Talked about himself for 2 1/2 hours. Changed the subject when you asked a question or just kept on talking. I can see what everone has been saying.:no::no:
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Re: UGA/Mega to change name

They still say underwritten by Mega & Mid West at he bottom of their quote form (In tiny letters of course).